united states, loretta lynch. that's all going on simultaneously. here's the commonality. who was the director of the fbi when all of this was going on? james comey, who we now know is the leaker in chief and all of this. james comey is the commonality that was there and all of this. he's the leaker in chief and brags about that you leaked information, information that includes conversations that -- a special counsel, which he got. how is that okay? the answer is, it's not. >> sean: ukraine, uranium one, the new information from the fbi tonight. of course, the ridiculous dossier. i want everybody under oath in investigations and stop the hyperventilating. the double standard. the preface reporting and ignoring real crimes. that's what i want. up next on this busy breaking news night, tonight here on "hannity"... >> there is no reason we can't repeal and replace obamacare.

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