More than 60 per cent of the respondents in the IANS-CVoter CBSE Snap Poll feel that cancelling class XII board exams will negatively affect students career.
The Government of India today cancelled the Class 12 CBSE Board Exams following extensive consultations. The decision is being viewed as "student-friendly" and one that "safeguards the health as well as future of our youth".
Many students are afraid the delay in taking call could affect their prospects of higher studies
BHUBANESWAR: The uncertainty regarding the schedule of Class XII board exam, which has been postponed by the central boards as well as Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) due to a surge in Covid-19 cases, has been resulting in anxiety among students.
Though the decision is likely to be taken in June first week, but given the steady rise in cases, it seems unlikely that board exams could be conducted in the near future, leading to anxiety among students aspiring for higher studies.
“I am having panic attacks. We don’t know what is going to happen. I have been preparing for NEET exam for the last two years but now I don’t know when the exam will take place,” said Nikita Swain, a Class XII student.