On cspan. In partnership with the library of congress, cspan brings you books that shaped america. Our series explores key works of literature that ive had a profound impact on the country. In this program the journals of lewis and clark, from their tour of discovery published in 1814. In 1803 the size of the United States nearly doubled with the Louisiana Purchase, the vast tract of land was largely unknown. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore and map the newly acquired territory. There crew of explores juried up the Missouri River, cross the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific Coast. Lewis and clarks twoyear tour of discovery ended in september 1806 and they returned with maps, sketches and it journals. Detailing the regions path, animal life, geography and indigenous people. In 1814 Many Americans were able to learn for the first time about the western land, upon the publishing of the book titled history of the expedition under the comman
On cspan. In partnership with the library of congress, cspan brings you books that shaped america. Our series explores key works of literature that ive had a profound impact on the country. In this program the journals of lewis and clark, from their tour of discovery published in 1814. In 1803 the size of the United States nearly doubled with the Louisiana Purchase, the vast tract of land was largely unknown. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore and map the newly acquired territory. There crew of explores juried up the Missouri River, cross the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific Coast. Lewis and clarks twoyear tour of discovery ended in september 1806 and they returned with maps, sketches and it journals. Detailing the regions path, animal life, geography and indigenous people. In 1814 Many Americans were able to learn for the first time about the western land, upon the publishing of the book titled history of the expedition under the comman
In partnership with the library of congress, cspan brings you books that shaped america. Our series explores key works of literature that ive had a profound impact on the country. In this program the journals of lewis and clark, from their tour of discovery published in 1814. In 1803 the size of the United States nearly doubled with the Louisiana Purchase, the vast tract of land was largely unknown. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore and map the newly acquired territory. There crew of explores juried up the Missouri River, cross the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific Coast. Lewis and clarks twoyear tour of discovery ended in september 1806 and they returned with maps, sketches and it journals. Detailing the regions path, animal life, geography and indigenous people. In 1814 Many Americans were able to learn for the first time about the western land, upon the publishing of the book titled history of the expedition under the command of lewis
In partnership with the library of congress, cspan brings you books that shaped america. Our series explores key works of literature that ive had a profound impact on the country. In this program the journals of lewis and clark, from their tour of discovery published in 1814. In 1803 the size of the United States nearly doubled with the Louisiana Purchase, the vast tract of land was largely unknown. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore and map the newly acquired territory. There crew of explores juried up the Missouri River, cross the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific Coast. Lewis and clarks twoyear tour of discovery ended in september 1806 and they returned with maps, sketches and it journals. Detailing the regions path, animal life, geography and indigenous people. In 1814 Many Americans were able to learn for the first time about the western land, upon the publishing of the book titled history of the expedition under the command of lewis
[inaudible conversations] i come in everybody. How are you all . I am really, of the event staff at politics prose. Thank you for being here tonight. If you are standing, there are a couple of more states over here. I recommend them. Or in the front. I recommend them, too. We are clearly filming tonight, so we will be very grateful if you could silence your cell phone. You dont want that on the recording and when we get to q a, is finite better audience microphone rightparen ask her questions into the microphone. Finally come at the end of the night before you go to the register over there, fold up your chair. With the event staff will be very grateful. The crisis of the middleclass constittion is Ganesh Sitaraman second book. History of the idea of income inequality and constitutional republic, spoiler, it doesnt assume the idea of Class Division and the argument we need to adapt their constitution that we see all of our country. Its so important in every american needs to read this b