Fr. Darrin Merlino, a member of the Claretians (Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary), is founder of Catholic Media Missionaries and author of 30 Days Unplugged (Images:
Claretian Father Darrin Merlino has launched Catholic Media Missionaries (CMM), an apostolate to evangelize the culture through media, utilizing the creation of faith-friendly movies, television programs, videos, books and more. Its initial offerings include
Hound of Heaven, a program in which Father interviews celebrities about their Catholic faith, and
30 Days Unplugged, his 2020 book detailing his powerful experience going on a 30-day silent Ignatian retreat without his iPhone or access to the internet and social media. With the aid of veteran Hollywood producer Joseph Cinemato, Fr. Merlino has aspirations to grow CMM and make a major impact on culture, and ultimately hopes to lead many souls to Christ.