The final part on unclaimed investments explores the role of technology, fees, and recovery advisory platforms. It also highlights the importance of making nominees aware of investments and maintaining comprehensive records.
To claim, check portals like UDGAM for bank deposits and IEPF for shares/dividends. Required documents include folio/policy numbers and KYC. Process varies, but KYC authentication is crucial.
RBI had launched the centralised web portal udgm UDGAM on August 17, 2023 for the public to facilitate and make it easier for them to search their unclaimed deposits across multiple banks at one place. Given the increasing trend in the amount of unclaimed deposits, RBI said it has been undertaking public awareness campaigns from time to time to sensitise the public on the matter. - RBI Expands UDGAM Portal To More Banks, Making It Easier For Public To Claim Unclaimed Deposits; Here Are The Details