Our last speaker is well known to all of you, Gary Gallagher is the third professor in the history of the American Civil War americas at the university of virginia and the founding director of our core sponsor, center for civil war studies at the university of virginia. Knowing that gary was about to retire a number of years ago and move west, i have been writing just about every introduction for him the last few years as if tomorrow the last time we would see him in richmond. I want to apologize to gary for trying to show him the door and kick him out of the state every time he speaks here. Im happy to have been wrong in my assumption that garys retirement would mean farewell and im pleased that hes still a fixture in the commonwealth. Garys contributions to the field of civil war studies are many and varied beyond his own scholarship, writing and ing editing more than 30 books, hes been a frequent contributor and columnist for civil war magazines, battlefield guide, and Founding Edit
He believes are crucial in understanding the conflict. This talk is part of a symposium held at the library of virginia in richmond. Our last speaker is well known to to all of you, gary gallagher, he is the the third professor in history of the American Civil War eme trchlt itus and the founding director of our cosponsor, the center for civil war studies at the university of virginia. And knowing that gary was about to retire a number of years ago and move west, ive been writing just about every introduction for him over the last few years as if it were the last time we were going to see him in richmond. I want to take this opportunity now to apologize to gary for trying to show him the door and kick him out of the state every time he speaks here. Im very happy to have been wrong in my assumption that garys retirement would mean farewell and very pleased that in his retirement gary remains a fixture in the commonwealth. As i think Everybody Knows and appreciates, garys contributions t
Retirement would mean farewell. I am very pleased that, in his retirement, he remains a fixture in the commonwealth. As i think everybody knows, and appreciates, garys contributions to civil war studies are varied beyond his own scholarship which is writing and editing nearly 30 books and hundreds of articles and reviews. He has been a frequent contributor and columnist for popular civil war magazines, preservationists and battlefield guides. He is the Founding Editor of the most Popular Series of civil war the civil war america series. The students who are the prominent scholars in our field. In academia, there is a tradition that i dont know how popular these are but books that students write essays in honor of their mentors. Garys is going to have to be for volumes long to do it justice for all the students he has meant toward and the prominence and the work they are doing in the field today. It is a testament to garys work. All of these contributions have earned him the right to ta
Recently shes presented her research at civil war roundtables and historical groups in california and across the nation including the National Museum of civil war medicine. Her first nonfiction history book released in spring 2019 call out the cadets takes a fresh look at the battle of new mark. In previous years shes published three historical Fiction Books in order to make details more accessible to audiences outside the history field, currently working on several Civil War Research projects including the citizens and armies in the virginia Shenandoah Valley. As you heard last night shes a crucial part of our team. She manages our website, she provides a lot of the content, she edits our work, edits some of our box and she has a fulltime job and she lives in california. We are grateful to sarah. [ applause ] good morning. I just want to say thank you to rob and dee an for inviting me to share this presentation. We kind of had a back room discussion about a year ago in how does new ma
Teaching activities. She has presented her research at civil war roundtables and historic groups in california and across the nation, including the National Museum of civil war medicine. Her book takes a fresh look at the battle of newmarket for the emerging civil war series. Currently she is working on several Civil War Research projects, including the citizens and armies of Shenandoah Valley. As you heard last night she is a crucial part of our team. Provides a lot of the content, she edits our work, and she has a fulltime job and she lives in california. To sarah. Teful good morning. I want to say thank you to rob and dan for inviting me to share this presentation. Roomnd of had a back does newmarketow qualify as a lesserknown battle. We came to the conclusion that the battle of newmarket has name recognition. We will talk about that in a moment, but the campaign is not as well understood, and there are facets of the campaign we can dig deeper, and they qualify as lesserknown. I inv