routine between. consistent with what they saw on the video of his encounter with police. tyre nichols beaten for three minutes just think about that. a boxing round, three minutes. three minutes this man was allegedly beaten by five officers. five black officers were fired, even before the video of that the rest had even been publicly released. two members of the memphis fire department have also been fired in the wake of tyre nichols s death. i want to bring in steve mulroy, the district attorney dealing down there with steve, it s good to see you this evening. there are a lot of questions being asked about what happened to tyre nichols and when the public might be able to see this video for themselves. and the idea when it will be released? and one of the considerations to do so? right. thank you for having me, laura coates. a lot of the peoples questions about what exactly happened will, of course, to be answered once people see the video. we expect that to happen
is the same as the race of the victim, tyre nichols? is this a conversation that is stunning the people? or is it par for the course, knowing that blue can trump black? certainly, i think people who are discussing this case in memphis and shelby county have taken note that the race of the officers involved in the race of mr. nichols is the same. i think it might lead some to say, as i think the lawyer for tyre nichols s family has said, is that a really relevant consideration is the race of this isn t, as opposed to the race of the police officers. do you expect charges in this case? that is what i am going to be deciding with my office based on the facts and the circumstances. i cannot really say right now. i think it would be profit improper for me to say what i m going to do or when we are going to do it. but i will tell you that we are expediting considerations and
expediting the investigation as much as possible. and it is possible that we may be able to make a determination around the same timeframe in which we released a video. as the department of justice or the fbi become involved? i know there are cases involved, oftentimes, where civil rights division is looking into whether the civil rights of the individual victim have been violated. we saw that in the case of, in my own home state of minnesota, officers charged in the killing of george floyd, also being brought up on civil rights violations. has that coordination begun? yes. yes, laura coates, it has. the department of justice has already announced that they are getting involved. the fbi is cooperating in the investigation with the tennessee bureau of investigation, who i called in so that it would be a truly independent investigation. i am in regular contact with the u.s. attorney here in memphis. and we are collaborating on this. i myself used to be a u.s. department of justice
and so i know that the federal investigation will often take longer than the state part of the investigation. so, i suspect that our office will render a decision will be for the federal authorities make their decisions. often consider the backstop and looking to see continuously proactive. when we met, steve, i knew we would meet again one day. but i could not have imagined it would be under these circumstances. thank you for joining me. thank you, laura. i want to bring in cnn legal analyst elliott williams and former fbi assistant director for intelligence joshua school. it s a very different case to think about, this idea of the allegations of a person being beaten for three minutes, track stop traffic stop reportedly reckless driving. we learn from the family that they are watching the video, his last words were color to his mother. apparently he was 80 to 100 yards away from his home. when we hear about this and
right. thank you for having me, laura coates. a lot of the peoples questions about what exactly happened will, of course, to be answered once people see the video. we expect that to happen this week or next week. we want to make sure that we enough alone in our investigations that the investigation is not compromised by premature release of the video. and just to be very concrete about that, if a case like this or really any case, laura if you are going to interview a suspect, you don t want the suspect to be able to see the video and then tailor their statements to law enforcement based on what they have seen. because now they know what you have got. and even non-suspect witnesses, there s a risk that rather than telling law enforcement what they saw with their own eyes, they may have their memory colored by what they saw on the video. so in, cases like this, you generally want to get a key witness interviews completed and we are doing this as fast as we could and then, i thin