There are contested city council races in 16 Magic Valley municipalities on Nov. 7 — including five open seats in Bellevue and three each in Burley, Hollister and Twin Falls.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF BUHL NOTICE is hereby given that the Long- Range Planning and ZoningCommission of the City of Buhl,Minnesota will meet in the BuhlCity Hall Council Chambers, 300Jones Avenue, Buhl, Minnesota,at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25,2023, to conduct a public hearingto consider a variance request fora proposed detached residentialgarage construction
Ordinance Number 23-01 ORDINANCE NO. 23-01 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND REGULATING THE CONDUCT OF LAWFUL GAMBLING WITHIN THE CITY OF BUHL, MINNESOTA The City Council of Buhl, Minnesota ordains: SECTION 1. ADOPTION OF STATE LAW BY REFERENCE The provisions of Minn. Stat. ch. 349, as they may be amended from time to time, with reference
On Sunday, he will return home and be escorted by the Twin Falls County Sheriff’s Office, Buhl Police Department, and veteran motorcycle groups, and arrive at a big party at the Eastman Park in Buhl to welcome him home, and the community is invited, but it’s a surprise for Bill.