Last week, we discussed the concept of strongmen anchored on the approximation of particular institution to the name of a person in authority. We further compared the strong institutions of America as against Donald Trump, the strongman. We came to a conclusion that America’s democracy would have been frail and fragile as other weak democracies across the world, in the absence of these strong institutions. Today, we shall continue our discourse.
How Trump Could Not be Saved by his Litany of Lies
Trump’s false statements while in office, have come to be regarded as the “tsunami of untruths”. From a simple lie regarding the “rain”, to a costly lie regarding the “coronavirus”, Trump’s presidential tenure was riddled with lies, lies and more lies. The Facts Checker column of The Guardian online, states that Trump expressed nearly 20,000 lies and misleading claims while he was in office. In the past 14 months alone, he averaged 23 false or misleading claims per day! Fo