Its got all the character, all the animals. Now see the shocker as some of them invade rtm for one awesome surprise. It is awesome. The line between life and death crossed many times, thats where they say you are hunter or prey. In this instance, you have water buffalo running because some lions are on the scene and looking to eat. The thing you dont want to be is the slowest cant make it up that emb embankment. No, dont be that one. But this poor water buffalo is no match for a pride of lions. You know, this is the circle of life. If youre going to go down, go down with a fight. Looks like a dinner for four. Two females, two males. However, an uninvited guest shows up. That one lioness right there, company. Other two lionesses, chase the third one. Look at them two, not happy. First she guesses, but then as some ladies do, things get a little sketchy. That water buffalo still fighting, but this, the fight begins between the two lionesses. Nobody is fighting you, boo. Go, go, go. Now i
Experience. Its beautiful. Its got all the character, all the animals. Now see the shocker as some of them invade rtm for one awesome surprise. It is awesome. The line between life and death crossed many times, thats where they say you are hunter or prey. In this instance, you have water buffalo running because some lions are on the scene and looking to eat. The thing you dont want to be is the slowest one, the one that cant make it up that embankm t embankment. No, dont be that one. But this poor water buffalo is no match for a pride of lions. You know, this is the circle of life. If youre going to go down, go down with a fight. Looks like a dinner for four. Two females, two males. However, an uninvited guest shows up. That one lioness right there, not exactly thrilled at the company. Other two lionesses, chase the third one. Look at them two, not happy. First she guesses, but then as some ladies do, things get a little sketchy. That water buffalo still fighting, b but this, the fight
Experience. Its beautiful. Its got all the character, all the animals. Now see the shocker as some of them invade rtm for one awesome surprise. It is awesome. The line between life and death crossed many times, thats where they say you are hunter or prey. In this instance, you have water buffalo running because some lions are on the scene and looking to eat. The thing you dont want to be is the slowest one, the one that cant make it up that embankm t embankment. No, dont be that one. But this poor water buffalo is no match for a pride of lions. You know, this is the circle of life. If youre going to go down, go down with a fight. Looks like a dinner for four. Two females, two males. However, an uninvited guest shows up. That one lioness right there, not exactly thrilled at the company. Other two lionesses, chase the third one. Look at them two, not happy. First she guesses, but then as some ladies do, things get a little sketchy. That water buffalo still fighting, b but this, the fight
Together. What happens mid flight in the hair raising experiment. Forget the belt. This dad pulled out the jacket of punishment. See the normal way to deal with the naughties. Plus the buzz word for your shot to win an ipad mini as christian, oli, charity, nick, and gayle break down the best on the web, including Cirque Du Soleils amazing new avatar experien its got all the character, all the animals. Now see the shocker as some of them invade rtm for one awesome surprise. It is awesome. The line between life and death crossed many times, thats where they say you are hunter or prey. In this instance, you have water buffalo running because some lions are on the scene and looking to eat. The thing you dont want to be cant make it up that embankment. No, dont be that one. But this poor water buffalo is no match for a pride of lions. You know, this is the circle of life. If youre going to go down, go down with a fight. Looks like a dinner for four. Two females, two males. However, an uninv
Humpback saw that bait ball of fish and says this looks more dangerous than it really was. He says the humpbacks knew he was there and kind of pull this launch so it wouldnt hit him. Divers name jones . Should be. Normally when we see air shows they fly in formation, makes it look like they are locked together. What would happen if you really did lock them together . Three argentinian pilots chained their planes together. Actually chained. Theres no mechanism that will pop. Lets find out. They take off in formation. You can clearly see those chains. Not only are they going to fly in formation like that, but they are going to try to pull maneuvers. Here we go, loopdeloop, flip it over, same maneuver, just seeing it from the other plane. They crest over the top of the roof. Fall down the other side, and one pilot gets just out of range and you see that chain break away. Of course, they had some sort of fail safe mechanism built in, but still a gutsy move to try and pull off. This video r