New Delhi [India], October 28 (ANI/GPRC): One of the renowned media company, City Angle Network Pvt. Ltd. launches a unique app called News DropBox. The app is available on App Store for free and is a one-of-its-kind platform that aims to stop the wide circulation of fake news and boost the circulation of authentic news on the ever-expanding digital media. The platform comes with the unique feature of allowing all users to submit news pieces for publication and fact check. It was initially launched on WhatsApp. On Whatsapp, it used to circulate news daily to 50,000+ subscribers. News DropBox has now been launched as an app to reach the next height, following its huge success. In the age of widespread internet and social media, the circulation of fake news and misinformation in India has been on a constant rise over the past few years. Manipulation of social media and search engine algorithms to reach large audiences and mislead news consumers is a global trend now, leading to the mass