Fas & Las Join the Young Professionals Choral Collective and the Cincinnati Boychoir for a family friendly holiday concert along with crafts, activities, holiday treats and photos with Santa at St. Francis Seraph Church. Kids of all ages are welcome, kids under 12 are free!
Sun, 07/18/2021 - 17:56 RCN Newsdesk
A Scott High School student received an honorable mention in the first Maestro of Tomorrow competition hosted by Cincinnati Public Radio, home to 90.9 WGUC (classical music), 91.7 WVXU (NPR and local news/talk), and the program Classics for Kids.
The competition is a new scholarship program to identify outstanding young local artists and to help them envision a life in music beyond high school.
Home-school student Mateo Martinez-Schwartz won the top prize of $1,000, while two Cincinnati students finished as runners-up and received $500 each.
Scott student and May Festival Chorus member Calia Burdette was among six honorable mentions, and the only one from a Kentucky school.