Heard and what you saw . What ive seen is something from heard and what you saw . What ive seen is something from beyond heard and what you saw . What ivei seen is something from beyond the imagination. The only british or originated hospital, what we call baptism hospital, that was originated and established back in 1905, 06, its the only british origin hospital that was rocketed, and in front of me, by two rockets from these very speedy planes, i think its f16. From these very speedy planes, i think its f 16. The people in the hospital were not only i would say sick people, they are also people who has fled their homes, to seek refuge in that hospital. At least 5000 people were in that hospital and ruthlessly without mercy, the israeli army broke it into rockets in front of me. Top of those people, until now the number of martyrs and killed peoples, it is about 600 but to me, i think its much, much higherfor two reasons. First of all, the fire that is this, some of it is still inside