Karnataka heading fast towards the May 10 polls. In this election, the stakes are high for both the ruling BJP and the main opposition party Congress for their own reasons, but JDS in the past has proven to be a crucial cog in the political wheel.
While talking to ANI, the Janata Dal (Secular) leader said, "No reaction on anybody's assessment. It is their assessment. Let them enjoy till the mandate of the people is declared. Just wait and watch how things move in Karnataka."
Former Prime Minister HD Dewe Gowda's grandson Nikhil Kumaraswamy on Monday filed his nomination as a candidate of Janata Dal-Secular for the May 10 Assembly polls and expressed confidence that the party will be voted to power in Karnataka.
Former Prime Minister HD Dewegowda s grandson Nikhil Kumaraswamy on Monday filed his nomination as a candidate of Janata Dal-Secular for the May 10 Assembly polls and expressed confidence that the party will be voted to power in Karnataka.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Former Prime Minister HD Dewegowda s grandson Nikhil Kumaraswamy on Monday filed his nomination as a candidate of Janata Dal-Secular for the May 10 Assembly polls and expressed confidence that the party will be voted to power in Karnataka. India News | Former PM Devegowda s Grandson Files His Nomination for Karnataka Assembly Polls.