responding to accelerations and how we re responding, there s a shocking gap. i made reference earlier in the program to h.r. mcmaster saying don t expect that he s going to tone down the rhetoric. i was interested to see and i m paraphrasing, you said recently that a little crazy, is maybe not a bad thing when you re dealing with china and north korea. what did you mean? what i meant is, these people do take us for granted. and so i think keeping them off-balance is fine. it s good, it can be very helpful. but you have to have an underlying strategy behind it. and that s what s been missing here. you re talking here with the dillbert creator what is the way to get to trump? i think trump is a chump. i think that, that s what the chinese believe. because think about it, he s going to go there and negotiate trade with them now. he s hoping to. what did he do before he went over there? he tore up the trans-pacific trade partnership which was basically an alliance of 12 nations that
global gdp, the alliance was based on our interests and our values. he could have been sitting across from xi jinping next week saying hi mr. xi, i represent 40% of the global economy. he tore this up for nothing, actually. he got nothing from china now he s going to there, and the chinese will sell us old carpet they ve sold us before. and they use north korea i believe as a shiny object to distract trump. i think xi has his number. they think trump is a chump and the reason he s a chump is because he doesn t know anything. he doesn t do his homework. he s out there tweeting. if you don t do your homework and you don t build real leverage up with the chinese who can smell your power from 100 paces. they know how much power you have, they will play you and they will play him. hey thomas, the book, thank you for being late now in paperback. a terrific read. thank you for being here. thank you, michael. still ahead, the president
the dilbert creator, i thought a very interesting conversation, what is the way to sort of get to trump? and i think trump is a chump. i think that that s what the chinese believe. because think about it. he s going to go and negotiate trade with them now. hoping to. what did he do before he went over there? he tore up the trans-pacific trade partnership, basically an alliance of 12 nations that control 40% of global gdp. the alliance is based on our interests and our values. he could have been sitting across from xi jinping next week saying, hi, mr. xi. i represent 40% of the global economy. instead tore it up for nothing. got nothing from china. now going to the chinese and they will sell us old carpets they ve sold us before and use north korea, i believe, as a shiny object to distract trump. i think xi has his number. they think trump is a chump and the reason he s a chump, michael, because he doesn t know anything. he doesn t do his homework. he s just out there tweeting. if you d
thank you. thank you. coming up, thomas freedman explains why he calls trump a chump. and, pussy riot will join us to talk about the similarities of vladimir putin and donald trump. we come into this world needing others. then we are told it s braver to go it alone. but there is another way to live. a way that sees the only path to fulfillment- is through others.
sell us carpets, multiple times on trade. because he doesn t have the leverage. that s why trump is a chump. okay? he presents himself as mr. smart and mr. tough. he s actually a chump. trump is a chump because he doesn t know anything. i want to go to something in the column this week. we have seen the tragic deaths of four soldiers in combat in niger and but you have highlighted something that no one else is talking about in that incident and you say that niger highlights a much larger problem, just how foolish, how flat-out dumb president trump is behaving. you connected dots for me that i haven t considered. i did a documentary there last year for years of living dangerously and the whole problem of that region of africa, four things have come together. one is dramatic climate change.