- you burned a holee in my papants. - ooh! - and d we re gonnnna be pals, riright? - ooh! - there s one guy who s out of control and one guy trying to sasay, calalm down. - do youou ever disasagree on materiaial? - no.. - yeah.. - the audience wants to feel that they re loose and d having funun. - and d we are really y able to f fake fun anand loosenes. - yeahah. [sweeping orchchestral music] [quirky music] - hey,y, how do yoyou - - there s a a bomb! - alall right, n now - - i actuallyly grew up as a k kid on comemedy teams. that s the way i learned about comedy, was comedy teams. - hey, heyey, psh, heyey, ps, hehey, psh. mimichelle puhuh-feifers.. - michelelle puh-feieifers. - michellele puh-feifef! - cocomedy teamsms are depent upon harmony. that harmomony blends s into onone voice. that s like, wow. - - i think chchemistry isis,, somebodydy that you u re secue enenough with h that you c cae playful.l. you re kinind of deligighted inin being witith them and so it
starts right now. out front with chris hay toni. not one republican should vote for this deal do not vote. for this bill. the best deal is no deal. republicans floundering on the debt ceiling deal, as biden plays it cool. why doesn t biden say what a good deal it is? why would biden be saying what a good deal it is before think that s going to help me get it passed? no. tonight, how calling the bluff of the hostage takers was the key to saving the country from economic catastrophe. democrats are committed to making sure that we do our part and avoiding default. democratic leader, hakeem jeffries, will join me live tonight. then, have all members voted? the radical republican attorney general of texas, impeached by his own party. plus, as the special counsel closes in, new worries about a snitch in team trump. and he s out of jail, unrepentant, and selling perch. the qanon shaman returns home as a hero. all in starts right now. good evening from new yo
carolina coast sharks have been seen and a 15-year-old surfer was even injured in an apparent shark attack. the teenager was dangling from her surfboard with their body in the water when she felt something on her leg. she was not seriously hurt, thank goodness. this fisherman captured a tiger shark attacking his kayak off the coast of hawaii. the fisherman believes the shark mistook it for a seal. only 57 shark attacks and all of last year. humans are not really on the sharks menu, we should say. people overly all overly worried about these shark attacks. 57 out of the amount of people that actually enter the water across the entire planet, that is quite rare, as you are pointing out. i think we are misrepresenting what shark attacks are. sharks live in the ocean, we live on land. if someone were just to come into my house one day come into my territory, i may take a bite out of them, too. this is a wonderful segue. what if you are eating at home and an intruder threw the
disqualified from the states primary ballot for violating the constitution. then, a conservative radio host turning his message into school curriculum, causing controversy around the country. and ukrainian president zelenskyy says he is confident aid from the u.s. will come through, but what message does the political division in this country send to putin? as the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. good evening once again. i m stephanie ruhle. and it is a pleasure to be back here at msnbc headquarters in new york city, and i return to some big news with you tonight. a stunning ruling from the colorado supreme court is adding new drama to the 2024 election season. the court ruled donald trump is ineligible to hold office again and cannot appear on the states republican primary ballot. this decision was based on section three of the 14th amendment. what does that mean? it disqualifies candidates from federal office who have engaged in insurrection. the court found t
those were officials say they are taking quote enhance measures to protect swimmers. the parks appointment is reporting lack of lifeguards will submit be protected? arthel: box news coverage. charles watson at men s airport meteorologist adam klotz for the fox weather forecast for you. but first, cb cotton his life would ve near city areas most popular beaches, rockaway beach in queens. cb, 75 and sunny kind of looks. yes it kind of worked as a great assignment more moral that we up to be awesome. we ve been talking a lot to the beachgoers out here they re excited about the summer season. a great thing about the weekend is lifeguards are officially back on duty. i guess reassurance of extra level of protection have another set of eyes looking out for them when they re out here on the beach or out here in the water. speaking of being in the water we been talking shark sightings all throughout the day. we know there were at least six shark attacks last summer. obviously tha