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Starts right now. Out front with chris hay toni. Not one republican should vote for this deal do not vote. For this bill. The best deal is no deal. Republicans floundering on the Debt Ceiling Deal, as biden plays it cool. Why doesnt biden say what a good deal it is . Why would biden be saying what a good deal it is before think thats going to help me get it passed . No. Tonight, how calling the bluff of the Hostage Takers was the key to saving the country from economic catastrophe. Democrats are committed to making sure that we do our part and avoiding default. Democratic leader, Hakeem Jeffries, will join me live tonight. Then, have all members voted . The radical Republican Attorney general of texas, impeached by his own party. Plus, as the Special Counsel closes in, new worries about a snitch in team trump. And hes out of jail, unrepentant, and selling perch. The qanon shaman returns home as a hero. All in starts right now. Good evening from new york, im chris hayes. At this hour, we are watching the first big test for the first big deal between the house maga caucus, led by Kevin Mccarthy and a democratic president , joe biden. The House Rules Committee just concluded a nearly fourhour hearing, moving ahead with the bill to raise the debt ceiling and avoid default just days ahead of the deadline, when the federal government is expected to run out of cash to pay its bills. Committee is expected to keep working through the evening, towards sending that bill to a full house vote tomorrow. The Debt Ceiling Deal, which was struck over the weekend, after a very long and torturous process, would also cap spending for the next two years. And there are a few small conservative policy winds, if you can call them that, including rescinding 28 Billion Dollars in unspent covid relief funds, eliminating 1. 4 billion in irs funding, and restarting federal Student Loan Payments after a lengthy pause that began at the start of the pandemic. Republicans have also succeeded in Slapping Work Requirements for benefits, including food stamps, on some more folks that currently have access to those programs. Substantively, if not with democrats would have crafted themselves and ive got to say, if youre one of those people that have start repaying your loan early or find yourself kicked off of food stamps, it stinks. But it is also nowhere near as bad as it couldve been. Indeed, as bad as i feared just a week ago for President Biden, for the democratic party, but most importantly, for the country. It is a considerably better outcome on the merits than the last time we had this exact same fight back in 2011, which i also covered. With the disastrous Budget Control Act and the sequester. And because of all that, because its nowhere near as bad as 12 years ago, conservatives in the farright freedom caucus, our whaling. This deal fails, feels completely. Not one republican should vote for this deal. It is a bad deal. This deal is absolutely one of the biggest abominations since ive been in washington, d. C. What did republicans get . I cant answer that. Mccarthy, biden proposed or even slow down deficit spending. This bill is unamerican, it defies conservatism. Tomorrows Bill Hands Biden blank check. This bill keeps all of joe bidens policy, all of joe bidens spending, intact. No republicans should vote to validate and own bidens agenda. And that is what this bill does. Now, its notable to me, their complaints tend in the mean to be about the fact that republicans got outplayed, which i think shows how conservatives tend to see everything, through the lens of, are you owning the lives or are the lives owning you . Theres a deeper question at play there, though. Weve got this radicalized, i would say, largely nihilistic House Republican caucus, the majority of whom, let us never forget, in the last congress, voted for Donald Trumps coup. At the very beginning of this congress, they extracted punishing concessions from Kevin Mccarthy in the most humiliating election for speaker in over a century. The deal that we have before us is not the deal you wouldve guessed that group would make. The deal is basically a, quote, unquote, normal, bipartisan budgetary deal. Then the question becomes, how did we get to that outcome . And more crucially, what does it tell us about this brand of Maggot Conservatism at this very moment . To answer that, i think youve got to look back at what has changed since the last time we do this in 2011. When we were in the midst of the same fight. At that time, republicans were working with kind of two disparate groups in the party. They had the base, which was this reactionary, rage filled base that above all else did not want barack obama as our president. Then there were the elected politicians, who sort of fought leaders in the republican party, conservative movement, the classic ronald reagan, paul ryan vision. They wanted to cut the social safety net, they wanted privatized medicare, they wanted to impose austerity, all while singing the praises of the free market. And republicans, in that moment in 2011, were able to actually narrate those two factions quite effectively. The boots on the ground, the people, or the base. And the people steering them were paul ryan. And it resulted in a disastrous deal that came out of that that ceiling hostage crisis. Throughout the country for years, and heres, and heres, it was terrible. So now a dozen years later, the Republican Leadership continues to pretend they care about things like spending and the deficit, but heres the thing. Even that pretense has grown so threadbare in. They can barely convince themselves. Remember what happened with president joe bidens first major piece of legislation, the American Rescue plan . Amid a key debate and vote on this anonymous fiscal intervention, in the midst of a reeling economy and ongoing pandemic, this is what the right was focused on at the time. Lets talk about dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Doctors. Heres dr. Six doctor dr. Seuss. Dr. Six dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. The focus has remained the same more or less in this fight. Its not on dr. Seuss this time. But the focus is on the Kind Of Culture War chum that keeps the sort of Conservative Outrage Machine going. President ial candidate, ron desantis, governor of florida, when he announces hes running for Office Office platitudes about how the right, you know, got owned by the lives in the steel and hes against it. But his real concern, the thing that he focuses on, his vision for what he brings to the white house, its all about the war on woke. Well, prior to this deal, kelly, our country was careening towards bankruptcy and after this deal, our country will still be careening towards bankruptcy. Everyone knows if im the nominee, i will beat biden and i will serve two terms, and i will be able to destroy leftism in this country and leave woke ideology on the dustbin of history. So, the careening towards bankruptcy, again, that sort of standard conservative affair, its got no bite. My contention is the real bite is in the destroy leftism in this country. Here is the thing. The untie or conservative world has essentially retreated from, even abandoned, basic questions about the nuts and bolts of the political economy. The important things, like what should the government spend on, whats its role in the lives of its citizens, what programs should support, who should be eligible for them, how much and who should be tax . There is no coherent vision of any of that anymore. There is no even pretense they have won. And so, in the end, they took the Debt Ceiling Hostage and then they didnt even know what they wanted as ransom. They could not even muster up enough of a pretense that they cared what the ransom was. Now, dont get me wrong. Thats not to say they dont care about anything, they do. Just look at republican projects in the states they control, where they are attempting to make the lives of transgender children and adults utterly miserable, forcing women to continue pregnancies, restricting voting mechanisms, in an effort to thwart Popular Democratic initiatives. All the while, continuing to cut taxes from the wealthiest. They know what to do with power when they really believe in something. What we have seen a total ideological exhaustion on basic Political Economics from the entire post reagan right, culminating with donald trump. And we are likely going to continue to see that on display. The Debt Ceiling Deal moves to the rules committee, likely onto a full vote in the coming days. We expect some members will defect from speaker mccarthy, but it looks like there wont be enough to change anything in his speakership will remain likely unchallenged. Because while they went through with a procedurally radical move, right . Essentially threatening to take the faith and credit of the entire union hostage, it turned out in the and, they didnt really care about the outcome. Joined now by House Democratic leader, Hakeem Jeffries of new york. And congressman, first, let me just ask you your sort of Top Line Understanding of the deal. What do you think of it . Well, good evening, chris, great to be with you. President biden accomplished three very important objectives. First, to make sure that we avoided a devastating and catastrophic default and stop the extreme maga republicans from crashing the economy, triggering a jobkilling recession which would have hurt millions and millions of everyday americans. The second thing that was accomplished here is to make sure that the debt ceiling was suspended for two years. Taking it into the early part of 2025 and removing their ability for the balance of this congress to take the country down another Hostage Taking Exercise. Third, President Biden was able to protect some really important democratic priorities, protect social security, protect medicare, protect medicaid, protect veterans, protect the country from the types of extreme right wing cuts that the republicans were demanding in the bill that they passed in april, the default on america act. 22 cuts they were proposing across the board. And so, i think on balance, in this circumstance, what he was dealing with was an extreme, on a reasonable group of people who were determined to bring about a bad result for the American People that President Biden did an incredibly good job in a very difficult situation. Lets talk about the sort of hostage taking aspect of this because there is a sort of critique, the substance of the bill, then theres the critiques of essentially incentivizing this again. So, we saw it in 2011. They did it again, its now pushed through to 2025, right . The next time they will have to raise the debt ceiling, lets say you have a President Biden and Republican Congress again, not a crazy idea, right . Its like, okay, we are going to go through this every time. Has it changed anyones thinking, among your house colleagues, that you have to get rid of this thing once and for all . Whether its to do it when he was democratic leader and essentially come together and just get rid of its statutorily, whether the white house has to look into saying, look, the constitution doesnt allow us not to pay our debts. Where are you on that . Because that seems, to me, still the kind of Unfinished Business of this deal. Yes, i think very good point, chris. Its in all of the above approach. First thing that we have to do is get through this moment, make sure the country pays our bills, avoid a default, and we can continue to build an economy that works for everyday americans, building upon the great record of accomplishment that came out of the last congress. But we also have to find our way out of a nibbling extreme right wing individuals in the congress to use the debt ceiling down the road to take us down this Hostage Taking Exercise and try to extract a painful ransom. And so, we need to look at the options, legislatively, i think that would be the best solution. That is in front of us. And to see where the opportunities are, moving forward. Mcconnell had agreed on a proposal initially, several years ago, that would change the formula related to the debt ceiling and effectively give the administration through the secretary of treasury, the ability and presumption to be able to do this without, you know, congress being able to weigh in at the front and. So, i think we need to look at that because its a proposal that sent it, republicans have at least supported in the past. And then the administration came to explore, you know, some of the options that may be available to it outside of the context of the crisis that we are in right now. Thats interesting. I had forgotten, the Mcconnell Proposal was basically it devolves to it being raised and if you want to stop it from being raised, then you have to act passed legislation, as opposed to the way that we have now, which is, as you said, perfectly sets up this sort of hostage negotiation. In terms of the process, how involved . I mean, who cut this deal and how involved were you . Well, President Biden and his team had the laboring or, but they were in close communication with Leader Schumer and with myself, and house democrats, every step of the way, and i greatly appreciate that. House democrats were unified. We were unified in getting behind the Discharge Petition to make it clear that there was an option here, if we couldnt find acceptable resolution. We were unified in all voting against the House Republican extreme default on america act, making it clear that there was no room, no leverage, in terms of trying to peel off democrats that we all stood strongly behind President Biden and his team, in avoiding default and arriving in a resolution that protected our values and that was acceptable to democrats in the house and in the senate. I want to play you, when the deal was coming together, congressman matt gaetz. I think late last week, when the sort of contours were being public, sort of offered a prediction about how he thought this would go, and i thought it looks like its fairly astute. Im curious to get your reaction. Take a listen. I think that it will pass with about 80 to a democrats votes and between 140 and 160 republican votes. I think the coalition opposed to this will be, like, the squad and the freedom caucus, and it will rock it through the senate after it passes the house, and i think that theres no serious threat to mccarthys speakership. Basically, a pass on a bipartisan basis. I guess the question for you is, are you whipping votes for this . Is this a vote that you are going to go around and really get democrats to vote yes on . Well, we are continuing the process of engaging with the administration and making sure that they are presenting information, which they have been doing, in a very clear and comprehensive way. Two members, as it relates to the contours, the four corners of the resolution, and we will be hearing from them tomorrow in person at a caucus meeting. But i do expect that democrats will make sure that we dont default, and that disagreement that is presented is able to pass out of the house, through the senate, and gets to President Bidens desk. But it is important for House Republicans to produce at least 150 votes. This is an agreement that they, themselves, negotiated. And they should be able to produce the votes necessary, consistent with what representative gaetz said, in order to help get the thing over the finish line. Thats interesting because those two parts of the answers are somewhat intentional with them. Youre saying, look, if the leadership in the white house, the white house, we generally trust, thinks its a good deal, theyre explaining why they think its a good deal, why a member should vote. But then the second part is, kevin, buddy, you negotiated this. This was your doing. We cant give you, youve got to do the heavy lifting on these votes. Well, hes got to do his part to avoid a default. But i do think that, for the reasons that i outlined, in the protection of those democratic values, social security, medicare, medicaid, veterans, you know, vulnerable individuals, the homeless, people who are aging out of foster care, these are all communities and issues that we fight hard for, as democrats. That President Biden protected. But at the same time, if we are going to have a bipartisan resolution to this, that means that in addition to house democrats, helping to avoid it evolved, thats exactly what House Republicans should do as well. All right, congressman Hakeem Jeffries, i appreciate you taking some time with us tonight. Thank you very much. Thank you, chris. Coming up, how President Bidens struck the Debt Ceiling Deal by not really saying a word about it. That is next. Word about it. That is next that is next mines unlisted. 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There was another pillar of his candidacy to that was a little more difficult to envision. Biden pledged to return the country to a bygone era of partisan deal making. Kind of which he spent decades negotiating at the senate. I read in the New York Times today that one of my problems is if i were to run for president , i like republicans. Okay, well, bless me father for i have sinned. [laughter] [applause] but, you know, from where i come from, i dont know how you get anything done. I dont think you get anything done, so we started talking to one another again. Now, i have to say, personally, i was pretty skeptical of that line. But it is true that bidens biggest accomplishments, like the American Rescue plan, the inflation reduction act, were passed along party lines in the face of republican opposition. Those are progressive priorities and they didnt get a single republican vote, at least not in the senate. If you check the larger legislative record, however, the president has quietly, or not so quietly, wrapped up quite a few bipartisan accomplishments. In addition to this latest deal, which it looks like well pass, biden also signed the chips bill, which invests in american tech manufacturing, there is the bipartisan infrastructure bill, to spend money in investing roads in bridges, broadband, lead pipe replacement, among other projects. There is the first meaningful piece of Gun Safety Legislation to Pass Congress in nearly three decades. Theres illegal codification of gay marriage, all of which got the requisite votes to overcome a republican bipartisan bills. Now, listen, both of those bills are, in my opinion, far from perfect. Republican negotiators, specifically, in some democrats, made them all meaningfully worse, in some way. But there are still tangible legislative accomplishments and crucially, they, again, from the kind of political perspective, they all fall in the zone of normal politics in a way that, say, storming the capitol does. So, i really do think its fair to say that biden has delivered, in many respects, on those two key promises of his campaign. The sort of Return To Normalcy and return to a president who doesnt sort of torture you buy commanding your attention every year. Now, with that in mind, he faces major hurdles in his 2024 reelection campaign. The first is his age. If he wins a second term, President Biden would be 86 years old by the time he wins office. Frankly, theres nothing he or anyone else can do about that. It just quite literally is what it is. But the other major obstacles biden faces over the next 18 months stems from the fact that he took over a country reeling from a series of Cascading Crises in the aftermath of the covid pandemic. I mean, there really have been just enormously painful dislocations to all of American Life under his law watch. The two most obvious examples are Violent Crime, which went up quite a bit both in 2020, and President Trump, and 2021. And inflation, which hit the highest level in 40 years last year, and ate into peoples disposable incomes, their wages, in a very real way. Now, to be clear, biden was not responsible for those two things happening. But if you are in incumbent president , you are just going to get blamed for issues like crime and inflation. That said, theres actually some remarkable developments on both those fronts, neither of which are getting much coverage. Inflation is dropping steadily. Its likely due to a confluence of factors, including Interest Rate hikes from the fed, more importantly, in my mind, the continuing recovery from covid disruptions, which had taken a very long time to unwind. In line of that, we are also seeing an economy thats truly delivering for Working Americans at the bottom of the labor hierarchy, for the first time in recent memory. This is a pretty striking story. We have seen actual, meaningful wage gains from the bottom portion of workers, even when you account for inflation. And whether that continues or not, is anyones guess. But that trajectory is promising. Then theres the question of crime and violence. Theres no denying that this nation is still utterly beset by gun violence in the way that no peer nation is. Due in large part to the hundreds of millions of guns in peoples hands. Painful reminder this weekend. Over the holidays, 16 people were killed, dozens more injured, in 17 Mass Shootings across the country. A problem that persists largely due to republicans commitment to an increasingly dangerous form of Gun Maximalism and fetishism. In fact, one report from everytown for gun safety found that what most of us probably already believed to be true, the 14 red or purple states with the weakest gun laws in the country have nearly triple the rate of gun deaths of the eight blue states with the strictest laws. Even with that said, if you take a step back and you look at the numbers in the aggregate, the levels of violence in america are definitely moving in the right direction. They are not going to talk about this on fox news, but it is true. National crime data is a lagging indicator, but we do know that Violent Crime dropped nationwide last year. When it comes to homicide, the most serious form of Violent Crime, murder rates are down in big cities across the country, from new york to, yes, chicago, and los angeles. Ultimately, joe bidens Reelection Pitch is going to be a story about a country recovering from an almost unthinkable set of unprecedented disruptions. From a once in a century pandemic, to Donald Trumps attempted coup. And to the extent that a Return To Normalcy was the promise of his 2020 victory, i think. If these trends continue, President Biden is a much Stronger Political narrative in 2024. 2024 known as a loving parent. Known for lessons that matter. Known for lessons that matter. Known for being a free spirit. No one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. Keytruda is known to treat cancer, fdaapproved for 16 types of cancer. One of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, nonsmall cell lung cancer, where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. Keytruda can cause your Immune System to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. This may be severe and lead to death. 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Back home in Scottsville Arizona where he just showed up to the local church with a heroes welcome. All sorts of fine characters that i read in. To actually middle lot more Trump Supporters than i thought i was going to. [applause] also still emerge, pointy churchgoers to a website where they can buy things like this queue back a tshirt, i framed poster of his mugshot, and yoga pants emblazoned with his face and the American Flag. Just a ton of American Flag and q shaman gear, generally. While he catches in on trying to end american democracy, the man who sent him on hundreds of others to the cow capital facing new potential charge. Stuart times reporting Special Counsel jack smith has been looking into trumps fundraising ahead of the insurrection potentially opening up charges of wide wire fraud. Even more pressing pressing than that for the disgraced ex president of classified documents he squirrel the way it is florida retirement. On the guardian reports that trump lawyer Evan Corcoran told the Special Counsel he was, quote, steered away when he tried to search Trumps Office for the documents. Yeah, i bet you are. According to the bloomberg the Special Counsel is poised to announce possible criminal charges in the days or weeks after memorial day. Interesting phrase. Top of all that, team trump is now a worrying that there is a snitch among them. That is next. S next e with cpap for their sleep apnea. But stephanie got inspire. An implanted device that works inside the body to help her sleep. Unlike her sister. Theres more than one way to treat your sleep apnea. If you struggle with cpap, look into getting inspire. Inspire. Sleep apnea innovation. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com. [ ] learn more and view Important Safety Information if you have diabetes, its important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. Try boost glucose control®. 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Try Nervive Nerve relief from the worlds number one nerve care company. Nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and bcomplex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. Try nervive. And, try nervive pain relieving rollon. Don trump continues to face so many investigations and so many potential indictmentss legal team is apparently starting to turn on each other. I donation reporting from the daily beast, now the federal investigators have turned the spotlight on some of trumps lawyers themselves, to venture turns on the team seem to be questioning whether their colleagues may actually turn into snitches. A lot of lawyers and a lot of jealousy, said one person on trumps legal team, explain the sheer number of lawyers protecting thing go man accused of so many crimes is about parallel. Joining me is a reporter who broke the story, jose palmieri, political investigations reporter for the daily beast. Jose, first, i think its useful to set the context here, which is distinct from most forms of criminal defense representation. In most cases someone who is accused of some wrongdoing a crime they then retain an attorney. The attorney or attorneys have nothing to do with what they are accused of. They came in after the fact. They got hired, oh, did you rob a bank . In this case, the attorneys are essential players and principles in the accusations on what happened with the documents, right . Thats right. We have to remember, its because of the sheer number of investigations the former President Trump is dealing with at this point because he keeps getting new lawyers and just recently we saw how this is starting to create fallout because one of those lawyers left. Tim was involved in the defense of the classified documents case for mr. Trump at maralago, and the first inkling that we saw in public about the infighting that weve been about four months was when he went on cnn and talked about how he had a beef with Boris Epshteyn, the pr guru and attorney by trumps side, who was with him during the presidency, with him afterwards, and the beef between tim and Boris Epshteyn is also and what we did in this report was highlight how much infighting there is and how much it started to resolve it is bloodletting. Its not just tim who thought about leaving. Weve heard about others who are considering it is well. It is because a lot of pressure is on these lawyers now. The Special Counsel, jack smith, is driving a wedge between trump, the client, and a bunch of his lawyers. We saw that with Evan Corcoran, the former prosecutor who had to turn over his notes to the doj, or rather, the federal judge did it for him. Weve seen that with olena havre, an attorney here in new york, where in another unrelated case she said that she searched all the doors and desks and different areas of maralago in response to that case only two weeks later have the fbi say oh, wait a minute, if you search that than surely you can came across some classified documents. And weve also heard that some of the issues here involved Boris Epshteyn in the sense that he has made himself a gatekeeper to the former president , and so lawyers are getting really annoyed it how they have to go through Boris Epshteyn to get to the president. They could reach him directly, but boris likes to retain that control. The worry now is that corcoran, or lena have a, or even Boris Epshteyn might be in a position where they can give stuff up on trump because they put themselves in a tricky spot. Much of the anger from his lawyers directed former president s righthand man Boris Epshteyn, whos accused of Running Interference on certain legal advice from our experience courtroom gladiators. You also have an anonymous quote from someone calling him a toxic loser and a complete psycho. [laughter] definitely a lot of eye or being directed at him. I wonder, there is always this thing with, its the people closest to trump are working for him, have to come up with some rationalization why the man theyre working for is impossible, and often it some other proxy fight with staff. We saw this throughout the white house. Its probably your client. Isnt the client the issue here . I guess is . My point the truth is, i heard from some of the advisers hes got who told me they frankly do not like the guy. I mean, theyre involved in the cases, using these cases to see if they can go ahead and win, and enjoy the spotlight, but frankly, they dont like him either. So, we have heard that too, but things are getting pretty heated because remember as a member i spoke to expressed how trump has been really displeased as of late with how the cases are going. They lost the Trump Organization documents case in new york city miserably, they really lost the rape trial with e. Jean carroll. Even though, its worth noting, the jury said that it was not rape, sexual abuse, trump still lost that case. And so, hes not happy with the results. But it is not just that, its the outside pressure from federal prosecutors who are on jack smiths Team Dragging driving those wedges between the attorney and the client, which is kind of weird. I mean, to the extent there sort of concerns about cooperation, right . Like, we know theres compelled cooperation in the case of corcoran, right . This has been reported hes been subpoenaed, they attorneyclient privilege, are there other concerns about that as well . Well, i mean, as we saw with that latest story in the guardian about how apparently Evan Corcoran was held off for doing further searches at maralago, i mean, i spoke to one source today who actually said that we can read that story as sort of a very helpful narrative for jack smith because it adds even more pressure to the rest of trumps legal team saying, if there are wedges, then we can drive them, we are going to go ahead and do that because they are going to create distance between these lawyers and this very, very problematic client. Look, trump is getting no easier to defend, at this point, and hes got a really rocky road ahead because there are at least two trials that are scheduled in the next few months, and if he gets indicted in atlanta, fulton countys dea, if he gets indicted twice by the doj in the documents and the january 6th case, things are going to get really harry. Im telling you, the infighting weve heard about four months is really starting to explode. I mean, ive been hearing about this for a while, but at this point, these lawyers are being vicious with each other. All right, jose paglieri, thank you very much. Still to come, the Republican Attorney general who was just impeached by republicans in the Texas State House against the explicit lobbying of one donald de j trump, that is next. J trump, that is next j trump, that is next for fast sore throat relief, try Vicks Vapocool drops with two times more menthol per drop , and the powerful rush of vicks vapors for fastacting relief you can feel. Vicks vapocool drops. Fast relief you can feel. Chevy silverado factorylifted trucks. Where will they take you . With the capability of a 2inch lift. The versatility of the available multiflex tailgate. And the connection of a 13. 4 diagonal touchscreen. Chevy silverado. Taking adventure to a whole new level. Were talking about cashbackin. Not a game. Not a game were talking about cashbackin. Were talking about cashbackin. 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Jackie its been really powerful. Terry im excited to go to work every day. Narrator californias Community Schools reimagining public education. I was hit by a car naand needed help. Ias Community Schools i called the barnes firm. That was the best call i couldve made. Im rich barnes. Its hard for people to know how much their Accident Case is let our Injury Attorneys know he he put the interest of how much their Accident Cget the best result possible. Himself above the laws of the State Of Texas. He put the interest of himself over the established laws, policies, and procedures of the office of the Attorney General. He put the interest of himself over his staff, who tried to advise him on multiple occasions that he was about to violate the law. Over the holiday weekend, kim paxson was perhaps the most notorious state Attorney General in the nation was impeached. It was done by his own party, the Texas State House. For anyone who has followed his career, it has been a long time coming. I mean, paxton is basically an ethical train wreck. Hes been under indictment for felonies securities fraud, for eight years. Nearly three years ago, seven top aides and deputy 80s accuse bots of bribery and abuse of office. He also fired several of them. They filed a Whistleblower Lawsuit that include accusations of loving a Campaign Donor and renovation of paxsons home. But ken paxsons way of protecting himself is basically the same as Donald Trumps, which is, im taking on the lips, so i am your hero. And so, he tried to rally his allies ahead of the Impeachment Vote. Ted cruz called the whole thing a travesty and not under the dump donald trump called to free can paxton. But it did not work. Part of the reason it didnt work is because the story paxson and his supporters are trying to tell here is that the whole thing is some deep state plot, that republicans were handed gloves with liberals. What have you done to anchor these establishment Liberal Republicans . Look, ive angered, ever since i was in the texas house, i ended up running into republican speaker and, you know, when you expose what these Liberal Republicans do, which is basically cut deals with literal democrats, they get really angry that the last thing they want is somebody around like me, who exposes what they do. Im sorry, im sorry. Doesnt matt gaetz have another job . Why is he on the left side of the screen . Sorry. Its a little hard to tell the story that matt gaetz, newsmax host, and ken paxson, are trying to tell. When you are talking about the state House Republicans in texas who are among the most right wing legislators and it was any state in the union. Over half of them voted to impeach him. So, now ken paxton has suspended his Attorney General, and faces a trial in the texas senate, where one of the people who could be sitting in judgment of him is his own wife, texas state senator, angela paxton. Texas state representative, james teller ego, is a democrat serving in the texas house and he joins me now. I guess first, what was it like this weekend being a part of this . Chris, thanks for having me on. This is probably the most consequential vote that im going to cast as a member of the texas legislature, removing a statewide elected official is no small matter and i know all of my colleagues put a lot of thought into this. As you mentioned, ken paxtons record of corruption is pretty clear and pretty egregious. But it was still no small thing. And so, it was a historic moment and i really couldnt be prouder of my colleagues in both Political Parties for coming together and hoping the corrupt official accountable. I have to say, ive follow Texas Politics relatively closely for years and followed paxson, and there are interesting texas republican state house politics are particularly interesting because they face no big democratic challengers, so theres enormous, bloody factional fights between them all the time. So, like, that kind of thing isnt new. But i dont quite get paxson has been the same guy doing the same stuff for years. Like, what happened here . So, theres one particular thing that happened. So, you mentioned those eight top lieutenants in the Attorney Generals Office who blew the whistle on ken paxson using his office to benefit a Campaign Donor. And ken paxton settled with those eight lieutenants for three point 3 million, but since he committed his crimes in his official capacity, that three point 3 million fell to the taxpayers of texas to pay, and that is when our State Legislature got involved, because we are being asked to appropriate his settlement in our state budget. That is when the investigation began back in march. He also accused, theres a sort of open warfare between the house speaker, dave phelan, and ken paxson. He accused the speaker of the texas house of publican of being drunk on the job. We did play that clip of him, very noticeably, slurring his words the other night while gambling over proceedings. What do you make of that . You know, i think it is no coincidence that ken paxtons sort of throwing these allegations around the day that the general Investigative Committee in the house released their impeachment charges. Hes trying to divert. He learns from the best, and donald trump is his mentor, his biggest supporter, and so, hes going to throw everything but the kitchen sink in order to divert from the real issue at hand, which is his corruption and the fact that his own party is going to finally hold him accountable for it. I want to play this. This was circulating today, its not from recently, its actually from back in june of 2021, but its paxton on bannons podcast, basically claiming credit for trumps in texas, of all places, because of his intervention in various, i think, lawsuits around the distribution of ballots in 2020. Take a listen. Harris county mailing ballots, they wanted to send over 2. 5 million. They were all illegal and we were able to stop every one of them. Had we not done that, we wouldve been in the very same situation we would have been on Election Night. I was watching Election Night and i knew what i saw what was happening in these other states, that that wouldve been texas. We wouldve been in the same boat, wouldve been going to these battleground states, that they were counting votes in Harris County for three days, donald trump wouldve lost the election. Now, Harris County as mentioned their, largest county in the state, if im not mistaken, also has a democratic county judge, alina hidalgo. Did all sorts of incredible work to make sure people can vote in 2020. The State Legislature you are part of, even if they are fighting with paxton, theyve passed a bill, i think, that basically removes the ability to control their own elections from Harris County and only Harris County. Is that correct . That is right, thats why, you know, ken paxton is saying that state house is run by liberals. Its pretty laughable to me. You know, these are the same Texas Republicans that banned abortion, the same Texas Republicans that passed Permitless Carry of guns in the State Of Texas and at the same Texas Republicans that are trying to rig elections in Harris County, which, as you mentioned, chris, its the largest county in texas. If it were its own state, it would be the 25th largest state in the nation, and its the home of george h. W. Bush, it was a republican stronghold for decades. But in 2016, Hillary Clinton beat donald trump by double digits in Harris County, and that is a problem for them. If you cant hold Harris County, the math suddenly does not add up on keeping texas read. And so, they will do everything they can to rig those elections in Harris County and prevent folks from accessing their God Given Rights to the ballot box. I think thats going to be, there will be many lawsuits about that. I think theres lots of reasons to think its essentially unconstitutional, what they are trying to do. We will see. In terms of the trial now in the senate, i mean, it was interesting to me. Paxton sort of did this big, i guess you could call it charm defensive, but mostly it was like a lot of threats. He was calling your colleagues in the well, right . Like, basically threatening them politically. Donald trump tweeting ted cruz, it didnt seem to make much of a difference either way. Do you think hes cooked in the senate . I certainly hope so, you know . I think we should all pause to recognize what an extraordinary thing this is. The fact that republicans in this age of extreme partisanship, this extreme polarization, were able to hold one of their own accountable is remarkable, and someone asked me when i walked off the house floor after that Impeachment Vote how i felt, and i said i felt hopeful, which is kind of a strange way to feel after an Impeachment Vote. But the fact that my very conservative republican colleagues were able to put democracy ahead of their own political trial is something we should all celebrate, regardless of what party you belong to. Well, his wife, angela paxson, who sits in the state senate, is going to have an even tougher job of putting things aside, which she is married to the individual who she is going to be sitting in judgment of. I dont know if she will recuse herself, but i have a sense i know which way that vote will go. There are a lot of senators who are going to have to make up their mind. Texas saved representative, james talarico, thank you so much for your time tonight. Thanks, chris. That is all in on this tuesday night. Alex wagner now starts right now. Good evening, alex. Arts right now. Good evening, alex so many things of what happened in texas. Well, also some of the allegations there, its going to be interesting. A few weeks during that trial. Thank you, my

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