A new batch of awesome short speculative fiction coming your way! March delivered a ton of narratively innovative short stories, several of which earned a spot on this list. I also have for you tales of murder and retribution, not-so-distant futures, and the mundane made hilarious.
“When the fires calmed and the bright red embers turned to ash, when the city grieved and grieved until it couldn’t grieve anymore, Dusa Dayan rose from the back pew of Beale Street First African Baptist Church and let the sounds of Doctor Watts’ hymns usher her out the red door.” After white men burn down a Freedman’s school with children inside, Dusa, their teacher, uses root magic to punish the killers. Exquisite writing, vivid descriptions, and a powerful plot. A real gut punch of a story.
Science Fiction & Fantasy
by Wole Talabi
To: Chukwudi Nwobi CNwobi@uh.edu
Subject: Emeka Nwobi has shared the file “
Provisional Patent Application For An Eternal Spirit Core Final Draft” with you.
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Title of Invention:
Methodology and System for Generating, Installing, and Running A Persistent Memrionic Emulator of Recorded Neural Patterns, Also Known As An “Eternal Spirit” Core (ESC) In A Human Personal Nanomachine Network Environment Node.
Commented [CNwobi]
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