with european allies, dealing with individuals and even in central and south america. it is very dangerous, you know. playing around with russia, and then what s going to happen with turkey and syria? it s a delicate balance that you have to work with. you just can t shoot at the hip and then go tweeting, and then someone say something you tweet back, and that is not the way the president of the united states conducts diplomacy and not the way that we are going to keep the trust of our allies. right. which is very important. i want to shift gears now to something that happened on your side of the aisle, congressman chu, and congressman meeks, and that is the question about leadership for democrats in the house. and what we heard from nancy pelosi is that she would like to look at at least two junior leadership positions. this to bring in some new blood. that average age discussed to date of 66, clearly the two of
who may not have felt that they had been reached out to by the democrats. and we look at that very issue that you bring up here, representative chu. it is something that is resonating, right? over this last year about, our voices being heard. representative meeks, as we look at leadership not only in the house for democrat, and by the way, representative pelosi still knows how to get a vote. does she not? plus or minus two or three. but to get over the dnc. that s also for you and representative chu a question. who should lead? who is hearing the voice? well, i think that that s where our work is really going to be over the next two to four years, because we ve got reach out to all of america. the sprob not just the presidential election but we ve lost gubernatorial seats, lost state legislatures. getting close to 2018 and 2020, with our lines cut, a lot of
secondly, talking points coming from the state department that would guide the president-elect either a., that did not happen or b. that did happen and the president-elect did not choose to read the tuking points. to the idea the state department brings up the idea gordon chang brought up and asking the question, who will be the next secretary of state? who will be that nominee, shane? republican leaders, not commenting on that call as well. the question is who are the voices internally that might be putting out their views on the way to talk about issues coming out of certain regions in the world, asia being one of them. politically, what s the approach that might be happening? that needs to happen, from leaders like potentially at this moment paul ryan? in terns of in a secretary of state question, this is very much up in the air and trump hasn t decided. there s going to be a key moment tomorrow when david petraeus goes on the sunday shows for television interviews. trump has do
pushing it in directions we don t want to go. similarities perhaps on the perspective of the china/u.s. relationship between the two former presidential candidates. this is a question i was sort of thinking of, because when you look what donald trump was annal able to do in u.s. politics. discussing it last hour. might he be able to do the same with international diplomacy? he s certainly going to mix things up. things will not be the same. i don t know if it s for the better or worse. the united states has a lot of cards to play with china, but the chinese have always had more political will. therefore, they ve been able to get what they want. i m not so sure trump for all of the blather is really at the point where he is stand toe to toe with the chinese. now, he has advisors actually quite good. nonetheless, a fascinating con test that will last for years. talk about diverse perspectives. wilbur ross, his nominee to be commerce secretary, is pro-china. and so when you put that
politico. start with you, robert. this idea of a new world order. this idea of the way trump has done domestically that he ll bring a flavor of this to international diplomacy. yeah? we don t know. you know, this could either be one big mistake or it could be one suggest consent milestone. we just simply don t know. and the reason we don t know is because we don t really know trump s foreign policy ideologically, for example, because he really hasn t articulated that over the past year and a half. i honestly think it was one big mistake. his stach, perhaps himself did not know the ramifications of taking the taiwanese president s call. the real question, where is the state department? the national security council? i assume particular president-elect there is a bureaucratic foreign policy staff surrounding you. when you take 9 calls, a translator is certified to recognize all of the things translated are in fact true,