The winged are held aloft by humanity on January 5 when we celebrate National Bird Day. In the spirit of birds of a feather flocking together, we bring you a list of the zodiac signs as birds. Read on, fly high.
Attempts at communicating with the dead puzzle me. Oh, how I wished to receive an unambiguous and comforting message from my deceased mother! I got a message. And it was comforting. Yet, I still walk around with a shade of skeptical doubt. Maybe, like faith in God, some level of doubt is unavoidable. Does communication with the dead prove an afterlife?
Reports of Near-Death Experiences suggest we humans are more than mere meat. An afterlife awaits us. What could this mean? Can we learn from science? Near-Death Experience can be studied scientifically
A woman speaking in a video posted to YouTube is the mother of the girl who died inside a back-room San Jose church in September, NBC Bay Area sources confirmed.