How a tiny urban vineyard in San Francisco is trying to transform California wine
The Two Eighty Project wants to be a vehicle for social justice, not just tasty Pinot Noir
Christopher Renfro and Jannea Tschirch tend to vines at the 280 Project vineyard.Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The ChronicleShow MoreShow Less
Christoper Renfro with daughter Ahmarie, 3, at Alemany Farm.Stephen Lam / The ChronicleShow MoreShow Less
Christopher Renfro with his daughter Ahmarie at the 280 Project, a vineyard inside Alemany Farm that he farms with partner Jannea Tschirch (second from right).Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The ChronicleShow MoreShow Less
On a lush, overgrown hillside overlooking Alemany Boulevard and Interstate 280, Christopher Renfro is growing a tiny, but potentially important, vineyard.