Louis B. Ruediger | Tribune-Review
Volunteer Bill Markle helps prepared 500 Christmas Day meals on Friday at the First Presbyterian Church in Greensburg, it was the eighteenth annual church event.
Louis B. Ruediger | Tribune-Review
The Rev. Sylvia Carlson, longtime volunteer and former Pastor of the Greensburg First Presbyterian Church, helps out in the kitchen as volunteers prepare 500 Christmas Day meals on Friday.
Louis B. Ruediger | Tribune-Review
Richard Carson helps prepare stuffed chicken breasts at the Greensburg First Presybterian Church on Friday as volunteers prepare 500 Christmas Day meals.
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Beaches, Parking Lots, Tents Are New Venues for Christmas Services Plus a Lot of Virtual
First Presbyterian Church of Santa Barbara is among many local churches holding Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day service this year. (Rochelle Rose / Noozhawk photo) By Rochelle Rose, Noozhawk contributing writer
December 24, 2020
| 9:06 a.m.
As the most recent COVID 19 shutdown in greater Santa Barbara is in place through December, local churches have created a variety of options for Christmas Eve and Christmas services, with locations such as parking lots, tents, beaches, and lots of virtual.
Here are some examples:
Rev. Julia Hamilton will be leading two online services from the beautiful candle-lit sanctuary of the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara. Worshippers are invited to join from home wearing their Christmas best or pajamas.