Beaches, Parking Lots, Tents Are New Venues for Christmas Services — Plus a Lot of Virtual
First Presbyterian Church of Santa Barbara is among many local churches holding Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day service this year. (Rochelle Rose / Noozhawk photo)
By Rochelle Rose, Noozhawk contributing writer
December 24, 2020
| 9:06 a.m.
As the most recent COVID 19 shutdown in greater Santa Barbara is in place through December, local churches have created a variety of options for Christmas Eve and Christmas services, with locations such as parking lots, tents, beaches, and lots of virtual.
Here are some examples:
Rev. Julia Hamilton will be leading two online services from the beautiful candle-lit sanctuary of the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara. Worshippers are invited to join from home wearing their Christmas best or pajamas.