SLEEPY EYE Lower liquor license renewal fees for 2021-2022 were unanimously approved by the Sleepy Eye City Council Tuesday.
City Manager Bob Elston said one of two establishments in town requested the license fee reduction because they were closed for 51 days in the previous license period due to Governor Tim Walz’sorders, so a 14 percent fee reduction was given to Meyer’s Bar and the Sleepy Eye Servicemen’s Club.
Fees were reduced $350, from $2,400 to $2,050 for licenses effective July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
A number of ordinances for lot sales were approved.
The city council unanimously approved:
Buying a $3,975 Grayco painting machine for painting parking strips, motion by Doug Pelzel, seconded by Scott Krzmarzick. City Manager Bob Elston said the city’s existing machine was about 25 years old, wore out and parts were no longer available.
Feb 10, 2021
SLEEPY EYE The Sleepy Eye City Council unanimously approved the reading of ordinances to sell lots in the Sleepy Hollow 5th Addition and in the Snow property Tuesday.
The city council approved:
⢠The first reading of Ordinance 180 to sell Lot 7, Block 4 to Greg and Deb Braulick for $32,000 was called by Councilor Gary Windschitl.
⢠The second reading of Ordinance 176 to sell Lot 14, Block 1 to Rod and Vickie Schumacher in the Snow First Addition came on a motion by Councilor Doug Pelzel, seconded by Councilor Nate Stevermer.
⢠The second reading of Ordinance 178 to sell Lots 3, 4, and 5, Sleepy Hollow Fifth Addition to John Pelzel came on Stevermer’s motion, seconded by Christina Andres.
The Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch
After a sometimes tense election season, the first official City Council meeting for new councilors, Scott Krzmarzick and Christina Andres, may have seemed a little under-whelming as they took part via Zoom meeting Tuesday night, Jan. 12.
Council action included:
•Approval of the Mayor’s appointment of Joe Schieffert to the EDA board and Christina Andres to the EDA as Council Liaison (non-voting).
•Designated the Sleepy Eye Herald-Dispatch as the official newspaper; and First Security Bank, Southpoint FCU, and Americana Bank as official depositories.
•Gave permission for the City Clerk and City Manager to invest City funds.
Mayor Wayne Pelzel, City of Sleepy Eye
Happy New Year to each of you. May 2021 bring an end to COVID and all the restrictions it has brought about as well as the illness it has caused.
I’ve been asked whether I’m going to get the vaccine when it becomes available to my age group. I can answer that question with a resounding “yes.” I believe the vaccine is safe and will help reduce the danger COVID has presented.
One of the priorities of 2021 will be the examination of additional housing options open to the City. A new business coming into Sleepy Eye will bring new employees and they will need places to live. Our City is seriously short of housing options to these new employees. City Committees the EDA (Economic Development Authority) and the HRA (Housing and Redevelopment Authority) will see this matter coming up on their agendas as the community seeks to deliver solutions to this situation in the coming months. Fortunately the City has land suitable for development.
The Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch
Congratulations to Christina Andres and Scott Krzmarzick who were elected to the City Council in November. I look forward to working with them as they bring their ideas for the City’s consideration. They will assume their seats in January.
The Holiday Lights in Motion group have done an excellent job decorating Sportsmen’s Park. It truly is a Christmas spectacular. Thanks to all the committee members and all the volunteers who put in hundreds of hours to make the park come alive with color. Your actions help to make Sleepy Eye a destination. The home decorations also seem more spectacular than ever. It’s a joy to see.