SLEEPY EYE Sleepy Eye Summerfest begins at 11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 18 with Kid’s Day at Eagles Park. Events include track and field events with the River V
SLEEPY EYE Lower liquor license renewal fees for 2021-2022 were unanimously approved by the Sleepy Eye City Council Tuesday.
City Manager Bob Elston said one of two establishments in town requested the license fee reduction because they were closed for 51 days in the previous license period due to Governor Tim Walz’sorders, so a 14 percent fee reduction was given to Meyer’s Bar and the Sleepy Eye Servicemen’s Club.
Fees were reduced $350, from $2,400 to $2,050 for licenses effective July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
A number of ordinances for lot sales were approved.
The city council unanimously approved:
Buying a $3,975 Grayco painting machine for painting parking strips, motion by Doug Pelzel, seconded by Scott Krzmarzick. City Manager Bob Elston said the city’s existing machine was about 25 years old, wore out and parts were no longer available.