Of leprosy especially someone who was Jewish or was an Israelite at no time in the history of Israel had anyone who was an Israelite been healed of leprosy and so there were laws in the scriptures in Leviticus that had never been performed in the history of Israel so the significance of that healing was at the fair seas believed that if leprosy was a divine judgment only the divine could set someone free of their leprosy and so on that basis they believed that if a man if a Jewish man was healed of leprosy then that would be the signal that would be an indication that the Messiah was present that the Messiah had arrived so they were investigating the circumstances of the healing of the Jewish leper Now there were some rules that they imposed upon themselves to govern their investigation and one of the most important rules that they had was that they would not go and ask any questions concerning the matter that they were investigating they could make the announcement that they were inv
Detective Superintendent from north side of North Yorkshire Police has appealed for anyone who was in the area in the early hours of Sunday morning to contact the force she said any information could be crucial to the investigation communities and residents across the county are being urged by the n.h.s. In New York and North Yorkshire to stay away from hospitals and doctors surgeries if they have flu or norovirus they re calling on people to help them stop the press spread of winter infections and it has bosses says if there is a break out in a hospital it s difficult to stop it spreading and can lead to Ward closures a time when the system is most under pressure a woman from North Yorkshire who celebrating her 10830 today has received more than 600 cards Dorothy Flowers says the 68th oldest person in Britain has lived at Southlands care home on Richmond Road in her since she was 104 last month staff at the home appeal for people to send in cards to mark the occasion Susan Snowden is
Or will come and these will be the means by which they were deceived Manny What are you talking about brother s day or I m talking about the Scriptures course most people here are just not going to hear oh here it is on this hour where we enter polls in the nice secular religious broadcasting and I m obnoxious again I I just don t come on with a smooth say and I just don t come all over the passer by application do I know I come with a short in my hand and the Word of God burning in my show as where I come where it . Is generation is a generation that is condemned and don t want no one to tell him show that is. The let me let me if you will I m not going to ask for your permission all you need to do it to be willing to hear I will go through it again we re living in the end of this age the end of the world has come of things that were rich and before time rather secular history whether Biblical history whether Jewish history whether any anything that has been written is not remarkable
New England Patriots and home Nov 3rd a woman shot dead in Annapolis is being memorialized Saturday night family and friends were on hand for a vigil to remember tiara Taylor w b a l stray Ward reports that shooting happened Wednesday night here at the base rate garden apartment on Ben s drive police were called here just after $1030.00 that night when they found a 3330 year old fatally shot just steps away from the mother s front door we re learning this complex has cameras but we re told the ones nearby the scene won t working at the time of the shooting we re also told from police that they re still searching for the suspects in this case a former Baltimore mayor has died Tommy Dela Sandro the 3rd died in his home Sunday from complications of a stroke he was 90 years old the Alessandro was the older brother of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and he served as Baltimore City Council president from 1962 to 1967 before serving as mayor from 1967 to 1971 Chris Bales w b a l News Radio
Maybe. As early as Sunday evening at 9 following Ben Ferguson News Radio 102.9 k. Are again. Making good on this better this is the money been home improvement show on Tom Chrysler and I m Leslie said Ready give us a call at the Money Pit 88 Money Pit present in my home and it has your dot com Never worry about overpaying for a job you can use the Home Advisor true cost guide and see what others have paid for similar projects it s all for free at Home Advisor dot. And you go suppose your question live barber in the end did Barber says I have a friend in the over the stove microwave and it does not vent to the outside should be vented to the outside and what are the possible problems if it s not well it s always best to have your kitchen cooking vent fan vent to the exterior even though they do make research fans were you basically dumping all that moisture back into the same space that s generated in so not a really great idea if your range is on an exterior wall it really should be v