I want to challenge Christian groups on college campuses and campus ministers to organize a concerted effort to accompany their fellow Jewish students to class and by their presence help protect Jewish students from harassment and abuse. Multitudes of Christians across America should make it clear that to get to our Jewish citizens you will have to come through us first.
The hideous Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians (including women, children, and infants) remind us that nothing in the Middle East happens in a vacuum and the ghosts of the past are always in the room with us.
The hideous Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians (including women, children, and infants) remind us that nothing in the Middle East happens in a vacuum and the ghosts of the past are always in the room with us.
Remember, Just War Theory was never intended to “justify” war. Instead, it tries to bring war under the sway of justice as understood by Christians and to ensure that war, when it does occur, is hedged about by limits that mitigate its barbarity.