A milestone its hoped the 500000000000 euro deal will soften the pandemics Economic Impact. Of spain records its lowest number of new coronavirus debts in weeks there are fears that the countrys tough lockdown is damaging the education of children. Who bring us special privileges. Left in ecuador streets as coronavirus cases overwhelming hospital struggles with a certain case is the worst may be yet to come. Im full girl welcome to the program more than 100000 people now confirmed to have died of corona virus infections the figures reported by Johns Hopkins university the number of infection stands at more than 1. 6 a 1000000 the news comes as christians around the world head into the easter weekend one of the most important celebrations in the calendar a pandemic means religious and other gatherings have been banned in many countries its a home to vatican city has been locked down for weeks so even the pope will have to celebrate a lot. Its the time of year he usually draws huge and.
Im filled girl welcome to the program more than 100000 people now confirmed to have died of corona virus infections the figures were reported by Johns Hopkins university the number of infections stands at more than 1600000 news comes as christians around the world and into the easter weekend one of the most important celebrations in the calendar the pandemic means religious and other gatherings have been banned in many countries italy home to vatican city has been locked down for weeks so even the pope will have to celebrate alone its the time of year he usually draws huge. Part conducts the Good Friday Service without the public. Due to the ongoing coronavirus lockdown worshipers are at home watching the live stream online. Almighty and eternal god provided of shelter for the suffering look with compassion on the affliction of your children we suffer from this epidemic. The scale of the outbreak continues to cause a dark shadow on italian life these firefighters in sicily are farewell
Spain records its lowest number of new coronavirus thats in weeks. S. We will bring you a specialal report. Coronavirus cases overwhelm authorities. The worst may be at to come. Welcome to the program. More than 100,000 people have not confirmed have died of coronavirus infections. The number of infections stanza one infections stanza 1. 5 million. Religious and other gatherings have been banned in many other countries. Even the p pope will have to celebrate alone. It is the time of year he usually draws huge crowds. Due to the ongoing coronavirus lockdown, he is now at home watching the live stream at home. Almighty in the eternal god, look with compassion of the affliction of your children who suffer from this epidemic. The scale the outbreak continues to cast a huge shadow. A funeral is not allowed. The times were hoping lockdownn measures wouould be relaxed a ar easter come a but it would be exextended. We h have declared a new decree. A difficult decision, but a necessary decision
26. We have confidence in reaching that date, achieving that date. It depends on peoples ability to stay at home. At home, weple stay can hit the date sooner. If people are failing to stay at home and spreading the virus, that date could have to go longer if the deaths continue to pile up. But at this point, based on the data we have and the data that is emerging, we feel confident we can achieve that date and you can achieve that date by staying at home and wearing a mask if you absolutely have to go out. This is also both a wonderful but also a challenging time of year for most of us in different faith traditions. It is Easter Sunday for those in the Christian Faith. Passover starts tonight for many coloradans like myself in the jewish faith. Those who are secular or humanists often celebrate rights associated with the spring equinox that is coming soon, a week after easter. There is orthodox easter for eastern orthodox, Greek Orthodox after the christian easter. We have with us reve
On the first day of the week, early in the morning they hurried to the tomb, but not in order to meet the resurrected teacher, they carried aromatic oils with them to complete the ritual burial, in accordance with jewish tradition, on the way they could not talk about the upcoming joy of christs resurrection, as we prepare for the easter holiday, but thought about how to roll away the huge stone from the entrance to the cave where the savior was buried. No one believed that christ would actually rise again. But he rose again, as he said about it. When the angel of god appeared as a wife to the myrrhbearers and announced the resurrection of the savior, the disciples were in such awe and horror that they did not even tell anyone about what they had seen. Disbelief in the resurrection of the savior, we see in in the words of the apostle thomas. To know and understand what the resurrection from the dead is, how can it be, until we saw everything with our own eyes, until we experienced with