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A milestone its hoped the 500000000000 euro deal will soften the pandemics Economic Impact. Of spain records its lowest number of new coronavirus debts in weeks there are fears that the countrys tough lockdown is damaging the education of children. Who bring us special privileges. Left in ecuador streets as coronavirus cases overwhelming hospital struggles with a certain case is the worst may be yet to come. Im full girl welcome to the program more than 100000 people now confirmed to have died of corona virus infections the figures reported by Johns Hopkins university the number of infection stands at more than 1. 6 a 1000000 the news comes as christians around the world head into the easter weekend one of the most important celebrations in the calendar a pandemic means religious and other gatherings have been banned in many countries its a home to vatican city has been locked down for weeks so even the pope will have to celebrate a lot. Its the time of year he usually draws huge and. Conducts the Good Friday Service without the public due to the ongoing coronaviruses lockdown worshipers are at home watching the live stream online. Almighty and eternal god provided of shelter for the suffering look with compassion on the affliction of your children. From this epidemic. The scale of the outbreak continues to cause a dark shadow on italian life these firefighters in sicily are farewelling a colleague who died from the virus a funeral isnt allowed. The streets look set to remain empty for a while longer italians were hiding lock down measures would be relaxed after easter but it will be extended. More we have just prepared a new decree with which we are extending the restrictive measures until the 3rd of may a difficult decision but a necessary decision for which i am for the course assuming full political responsibility. And at a time like easter the lockdown hits hard. When easter alone with you will see our children and our grandchildren in Video Conference its very sad but it is what it is. The number of people in intensive care begins to fall officials are urging italians to not get complacent and to get here strictly to the lock down. Straight to the italian capital correspondent joins us from rome welcome. Center stage during the Christian Easter celebrations whats it going to be like this year. Well its going to be a very different easter for sure generally its a time for Family Friends to get together theres feasting Easter Monday traditionally the idea is to get out go to the countryside go to the seaside enjoy the good weather we have here recently a decision will be very different the authorities are calling on people to stay at home there are increased patrols and checkpoints that have been set out particularly on the roads leading out of the city as well as the authorities are using draw to make sure that they can keep track of people to ensure that they dont go out that sit theyll think peace creasing temperatures and Better Weather we are seeing more people on the streets as well despite this call of the authorities and say while the numbers appear to be improving your guard down and how harsh has the italian lockdown bayne what now had 2 weeks 5 in the lockdown has a controlled every aspect of life you can only go out if you have work reasons or Health Reasons or for essentially activity such as getting groceries or perhaps going to the pharmacy and yourself declaration or filled out before you can do that so its very much continue can contain and if you are going out just leave it to take a walk it has to be close to your form and youre going to your child it has to be one parent at a time its a very strict controls what people can do but the authorities are saying its necessary in order to contain the spread of the virus and to look at the numbers now it appears as if the curve of infections is decreasing and thats because the authorities to say the measures are working and talk to us about the differences in the way that people in the north and the south a handling this situation. Well in the north particularly in the hardest hit region of long tails course the people have had to deal with this infection in a very harsh we with a large number of the deaths unfortunately also with the region but down south the authorities are say the number of infections are actually contained but if they decide to perhaps move on to the 2nd phase will live with the virus and relax the measures by reaching that risk creating spikes in other nations where were now seeing a lower number of infections so we are going to face to the authorities to say its going to happen nationally for now to know it has been stated that it was locked up which is still the of the there are some exceptions there are allowing Clothing Stores for children as well as book shops and stationery shops perhaps to be opened a little earlier and you finance ministers have agreed on thursday big financial package what is the feeling bad about the way the e. U. Has handled this crisis. I think theres been a lot of frustration in the past of italians with regards to the European Union theres a feeling that it is really struggling right now with an immense death toll was close to 18000 and so because of this immense death toll and the suffering at that experience here the feeling is as if the European Union has abandoned italy at the time suffering the bones of the last 2 calling for the idea of a group formed mechanism for dealing with the financial situation the economic crisis that the country is facing on top of the Health Crisis even individuals that are pro European Union are feeling as if the viewer has turned its back on it in the particularly the countries in the. Its excuse be ignored in europe in particular germany and that theyre the ones they feel that they need the support right now and not casey good talking to you thank you for joining us. In iraq well as we mentioned the eurozone finance ministers have agreed this plan to soften the Economic Impact of the pandemic contentious issues including pulling debt in socalled corona bombs were rejected by germany in the netherlands but funds with with Strings Attached have not been made available to country struggling to cope with the cost of the crisis. As europes Health Care Workers struggle to save lives elsewhere the talk has been of preventing economic come up. With supermarkets now the amplifiers in a continent where Business Activity has essentially grind to a halt eurozone finance ministers had been at loggerheads about how to Save Companies and individuals from financial meltdown. After some stormy exchanges via video finally a breakthrough on thursday night. The package we approved today is. Of a size close to 4 percent of european g. D. P. Bliz the automatic stabilisers that are quite powerful to protect their ability economies in case of prizes. Darkly unprecedented we never have reacted so quickly to a crisis has run the plan agreed totals over half a trillion euros it includes a 100000000000. 00 euro Unemployment Insurance scheme a further 200000000000. 00 will go towards shoring up companies 240000000000. 00 will go into a pos to enable member countries to pay for the costs of the pandemic the agreement comes after an initial proposal to pool debt by countries including italy france and spain was firmly shot down by richer nations like the netherlands and germany. But those who were left disappointed by the rejection of the focal corona got their way on another issue unlike the funds they were offered after the financial crisis a decade ago this time because from the common pos comes with fewer Strings Attached. Lets take a look at some other coronavirus related news from around the World United Kingdom has seen a record daily death toll from corona virus surpassing italys worst 980 people lost their lives in 24 hours with concerns that the countrys National Health service lacks sufficient ventilators staff on protective clothing. And several people in the kenyan capital nairobi but injured while crowds desperate for 3 tried to force their way through an office gate in the citys kibera slum police and the tear gas kenny has banned people from entering or leaving the city and leaving vast numbers of informal workers unsure about where the next meal comes from. World Health Organization has warned african states to expand coronavirus testing as a matter of urgency it says clusters of Community Transmission involved in at least 16 african nations un Health Bodies or some african countries are likely to face a huge peak in cases very soon. 18000 people have died from corona virus infections in the United States but in the u. S. On track to overtake italy as a country with the highest death toll about half a 1000000 americans are confirmed infected new york state has borne the brunt of americas pandemic with more cases than any country outside the u. S. Passengers of new york subways but thats no assurance to many people who need the ride its really. I mean if i got it. Thank you again like you know i think theres a lot of hope if you want to take. This thing so you can get away training getting fired thats not me. You know your kid. Thats the problem keeping your distance from others experts agree that social distancing combined with aggressive testing of suspected cases is the fastest way to tackle coded 19 but there arent enough tests for the job in new york and elsewhere in the u. S. New yorks governor says companies now cannot provide the numbers needed we need. An un precedented mobilization where government can produce these tests in the millions President Trump pointed to progress and the numbers of new cases on the other side you have the numbers of beds being used were just saying are substantially reduced thats usually the sign that its heading into a downward curve but the death toll continues to mount hundreds in new york die every day hospitals or repurpose in refrigerator trucks as makeshift morgues and in the cities reserved for on mark graves burials have spiked the weekly average is now being reached every day the rise is being attributed to coded 19. Off to saying wakes of rising infection numbers strains government is now expressing cautious optimism despite more than 15000 deaths number of daily fatalities in inching noah but spaniards will not be allowed to leave their homes for another 2 weeks at least and schools will remain closed so this is particularly hard on children from low income families. The advice is most important tools right now are her smartphone and laptop from her own backyard she uses them to try to keep in touch with her students but its not always possible heads parents dont have an Internet Connection at home so until recently he was stuck permanently offline. A friend brought me over a few homework assignments i can do that. But unfortunately i cant do the other assignments because i need to be online. Yes the only reason miguel is able to talk with his teacher right now is because a schoolmate gave him a prepaid sim card motto says that was great but its no long term solution. Well enough alone and i have students who are really good but i cant continue their learning. The government should be making sure that everyone has access to the internet and all students have the chance to take punts and classes online. Spain has some of the highest poverty levels in europe especially among minors according to the United Nations 30 percent of all spanish children and adolescents are at risk of poverty Internet Access is not much better around one in 5 families in spain still dont have a computer at home. Isolation social exclusion problems at School Children from low income families especially affected by the crisis and theres another direct Us Government reports have phones that the number of people infected in poorer neighborhoods is up to 7 times districts theres a lot of discussion in spain about possible reasons but what is already clear is that a person social status place a role in how much the effect someone. Smarter stays positive but the longer schools stay closed the harder it will be for disadvantaged students to catch up on their learning cant wait to leave her home office and get back into a real classroom again but many in spain believe thats unlikely to happen before the Summer Holidays while the week of. Greater risk in this Emergency Health officials are warning younger people not to be complacent because the virus doesnt care about age color creed or gender but new data suggest the effects of this pandemic has been anything but equal to w. Reporter peter has been discussing the stats with Health Experts and journalists around the world welcome peter what did you find. Thank you well i interviewed people on 3 continents and it quickly became clear that while the virus itself may not care whether youre rich or poor or black or white our society is still very much to ask we saw in that report and that is proving fatal so take any offense and its home to the Worlds Largest lockdown right now in late march Prime Minister Narendra Modi told the countrys 1300000000 people to stay home through at least mid april to saying its people who are only given a few hours notice before much of the economy was effectively switched off now thats turned out to have devastating consequences for the more than 400000000 indians that work in the informal economy so construction workers Street Vendors daily wage workers who almost literally live from hand to mouth and most of them are living in conditions that every Health Expert has been telling us to avoid at all costs so to prevent the spread of this virus so they are now trapped in the city slums theyre living in cramped quarters with up to 10. 00 people sharing one room with no so no clean Running Water and for them social distancing is something that they literally cannot afford ok so they are looking at a. Higher risk of becoming infected because. They have also lost their livelihoods. Exactly and many worry that it could be the spark that ignites the proverbial powder keg so the government has announced a large scale aid program to help the countrys poorest but experts worry that that aid will not get to them you know keep in mind many of the daily wage workers have migrated from villages across rural india so they may not be registered in any databases or have the necessary documents to secure those benefits many of them are now saying that theyre considering to find a travel ban to try to get back to their villages at the risk of infecting the people there because rather than risk starving to death while waiting for these benefits you know they want to at least be with their families back in the village and if they die at least theyll die and together with their loved ones so right now theyre facing the choice between starvation and catching a potentially deadly virus ok so income decides who can afford to stay. In india but youve also been looking at other countries what did you find. Right so we saw spain right there one of the worst hit countries thats been showing very similar patterns as a country as we saw still been licking its wounds from the 2000 a financial crisis when the corona virus started to bite and thats proving really fatal because many on the bottom rungs barely had a chance to recover from the 1st blow and so have little to no savings cant afford to isolate they often have to share tiny apartments with several people and they often work in exactly the kind of industries that are deemed essential like food service and health care so ass resoled we are seeing these numbers that were mentioned the report up to 7 times as high infection rates in poor neighborhoods well to neighborhoods in the United States the epicenter of the current pandemic in a country with a long history of inequality. Right in the u. S. You have many of the same problems with any quality as you said but with the added layer of race. The u. S. Already has the most number of corona related deaths recent data has shown that the mortality rate for africanamericans its much higher than for whites so chicago for instance which is 30 percent black africanamericans account for 70 percent of all coronavirus cases the state of louisiana has 7 of the deaths 70 percent of the deaths that africanamericans are facing why is that well that is decades if not centuries of systemic discrimination africanamericans earn much less than the average white households so there are more likely to live in cramped conditions less likely to have a car so they use Public Transportation less likely to have a College Degree so theyre stuck in industries where they cant work from home so theyre much more exposed to the virus. And this just means that the risks for them are so much higher on average than for the average white person. Thank you so much. Which is also facing a crisis is a number of. Situations particularly bad the countrys biggest city. Hospitals have been overwhelmed the bodies left in the streets as authorities struggle to collect the dead. Soon outside the emergency ward enquire kill ecuador this womans parents are dying. I think they said they could admit my father but they have no oxygen are supposed to get the oxygen myself. Nurses are sounding the alarm hospital staff are fulling ill with suspected cases of covert 19 people in guayaquil have been living with disaster for a week every day people are dying on the streets or in their apartments the virus is spread here on a massive scale it takes authorities days to collect the bodies. And this man is awful i dont know what to do im worried that we are infected myself my brother and my mother. Picked would always economic capital was unprepared for this theres hardly any testing taking place authorities are overwhelmed and afraid they might get infected while the government is trying to play down the situation all the government hasnt grasped the dimensions of the catastrophe that were witnessing here epidemiologists say the next wave of illness is imminent that the worst thing. Relatives wait for days at the symmetries for they did to be buried some are searching for family members they dont know where their graves are. Hoping to find my father. More and more people are dying every day and many worry that the crisis in choir kill could spread throughout the region. Companies around the world are adjusting their production lines to make things as a needed in this crisis its not just a way of helping out its also allows them to retain stuff maybe make up for some of the losses from the actual businesses the distilleries. Started producing disinfectant and so was a Company Called bill which normally makes ethanol for biofuels. The mayor of the eastern german town of therapy has come in person to the very below company to pick up a donation of 150 liters of disinfectant. He approached the company after hearing about looming shortages of sanitizers in local Nursing Homes and clinics. Is exactly theyre very happy to get this they told me that what they had would only last another week for the medical Services Like the Nursing Homes are experiencing supply problems of disinfectants so were getting it to them in the nick of time before shortages kick it. In normal times makes ethanol from grain for biofuels but in the Coronavirus Crisis their business is dropped thats another reason to use their ethanol for disinfectants both is donations and for paying customers like pharmacies and hospitals they can sell the alcohol for 15 euros a liter and there be already has 500 orders for differing amounts but it dept in production has not been simple. As is the tradition of ants i know this is quite a different challenge to what were used to in terms of logistics up to now wed fill up entire train cars entire tank one order my comprise say one and a half 1000 tons thats 1800000 liters and now were getting orders potentially to store 20 elite. Mayor akers has brought some of the journey to ethanol to a medical Vocational School in neighboring curtain. The paramedics are going out in their ambulances to perform mobile coronavirus tests on potentially infected patients and they need to protect themselves. As a sign of normality arts its pretty normal for companies in the region to react flexibly in emergencies thats what an entrepreneur has to do or the bottom line is that this is about saving lives and the company verbier is helping to save lives who have it living so that. However the paramedics are concerned that the donated ethanol will soon be used up their b. O. s responding by pushing up production it hopes to soon double its current output of 40280000 liters of disinfectant per week. And the German Government has started flying in thousands of seasonal farmworkers ministers hope to recruit about 80000 festival and fruit pickers despite the imposition of travel restrictions because of the pandemic the workers are mostly from Eastern Europe and are being brought to germany in controlled groups to prevent possible infection. Mark colvin. Rimini and Seasonal Workers cheek by joel before roll call it clues your port. Somewhere musks others dont all await transport to germany to help with the harvest after an exception was made to the countrys travel. Before. Before they probably enter the country there will be a health check and this will be sent to the responsible Health Office because im tired they will not be allowed to make individual trips when they get here due to company must make sure the workers keep a certain distance during transport and the people Work Together in groups. On and the 1st 14 days is in the air quarantine tag i know theyre wondering which they can work. But there are questions as to how effective a near quarantine can be given these preflight conditions and if its enough to perform a health check rather than a specific test for covert 19 a disease that can be symptomless the desperation to admit these workers is understandable germanys travel ban has caused a huge personnel shortage on farms and fields which employ their own 300000 such workers last year those coming in this year some 40000 in april and again in me will pick crops like quite asparagus considered a seasonal delicacy in germany others will head to bavaria to harvest crops for one of the countrys best known products beer despite the lack of Eastern European workers so far this year brewers have a reassuring message. If we had need to yes we would run out of their old stocks and contract. But as the country tries to strike a balance between staying safe and kick starting the economy many germans will hope they dont reap more than they bargained for. We wont run out of bed its important to get your priorities right or use other top of the ill be back at this moment with the day. Ill get that. Bike. Mug or just some of my. Food for the russians. So many different walks of life some quite. Obvious one but all of them come straight from the hard work force see if you can afford. To lose the march. To their final resting place the russians on g. W. Documentary. Imagine being born theres. A con proving that. You want to learn the new school tick you want to be useful but on a lot of. When youre sick the doctors knew when you fall in love they wont mind you dont have children for fear theyll be invisible to you assure you if you have noticed. When you die theres no. Every 10 minutes. 10000000 people in the world this think they have no nationality and made up alone and. That everyone has the right. Everyone has the right to see. The coronavirus pandemic has brought up the wake of records for the United States record numbers infections record unemployment claimants and record government bailouts new york states now has more infections and any other country outside the us a new york city which used to bury about 25 unclaimed bodies a week is now bearing that number every day so how is

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