Organized organization. And i think a better solution is to hire City Employees to actually perform those services thank you any Public Comment on that item on the opposition of the formation of the cv d okay. Seeing none id like to make a couple of concluding remarks and acknowledge one of our staff i want to thank the public who engaged and well find out the results there were a tremendous amount of vision and work thats gone into a period that lasted over a decade in particular ron and the other for their energy and vision and hundreds of volunteer hours over the years. I also want to thank other Leaders Within the neighborhood from chris to andrew and others who not only testified today but have for many years i want to close i asked our board to journey a few weeks ago in memory of shell he devoted his life to creating art walks and purely inhabits and greening activity and bringing a soccer field on top of a garage and others activities in our alleys. He was smomg someone who i h
Things for district 6 skaerth park has been added as a parcel within the binder to help to clean the areas around the childrens backgrounds and want to make sure those families are able to use it so its a safe and clean area and second glad the service plan is heavily wgd towards youth and happy to partner with them. We were not able to get everything we wanted to see in this district in the future were hoping there will be an expansion after were able to showcase and the project in this area like a mc and transmit turn over and other changes in this part of the neighborhood were able to expand into the future as we are able to convince Property Owner forces the success of the lower cv d. I represent many districts Central Market and north of market and others. I just have to say i had mixture feeling but taking the Public Service into the private realm but the cvs have been an advantage and the creativity that is Community Driven by Small Business and residents bring a layer of person
Wishing to thank e change their vote can speak to a person outside the chamber and after the hearing closes the ballots will be counted. At this point, i want to say supervisor kim and i share some blocks within the Community District i want to say a few quick words ive been supportive of the districts throughout our district 3 and this particular benefit has been in conversation for the better part of 10 years. Lower polk is a difference and wonderful neighborhood in my district and district 6 but on the parts of polk has faced quality of life issues and vacant storefronts and homelessness and other conditions that have challenged the neighborhoods. Theres almost no green and Small Business in the neighborhood and very few places for folks to come together theres been a lot of momentum to pull the folks together this reflects the culmination of those last year the main polk neighborhood of the year i know it as a hope of many residents the demonstration of a c having did will be appre
So, that would be my only feedback. Thank you. Supervisor chiu. Just a quick question. I think we could delve into any of these topics. But do you have the average muni bus speeds . Is there a quick way for us to know why my line, what those numbers look like . I know they have that information. It wasnt looked into that level of detail for the benchmarking report, but they do have it. Okay. On i think a daily basis. So, we can work with the muni staff group to get you those reports. That would be great, just to get a sense of what those numbers look like because i know obviously different lines vary dramatically. Okay, thank you. Okay. Thank you. So, lets open up this item to Public Comment. Are there any members of the public who would like to speak on this item at this time . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues, can we continue this item to the call of the chair . So moved. All right. Without objection, this item will continue to the call of the chair. [gavel]
Within departments and we have to or in many instances individuals need to hire permit expediters to get projects through faster compared to other projects which arent moving quite as fast. But on the other hand we all know that there have been numerous allegations and investigations of whether there have been individuals who have inappropriately influenced the process and no one understands who is actually influencing the process. And from my perspective, the purpose of this legislation really actually is to legitimatize transparent permit expediting. Let me be clear on several points. First of all, there is nothing in this legislation that says that this is not activity that should not happen. All were saying is that we need some transparency about who is involved. And then we made major amendments in the last couple of months to address the concerns about overly onerous reporting requirements. So, rather than having a monthly requirement we now have a quarterly requirement and it us