donald trump. i feel like i m watching donald trump going trevor noah s impression of hymn. explain why this is false, chris. first, just on the pure weirdness of the president of the united states doing an audience-sourced poll. let s leave that aside. yeah, i mean, i think there is a serious point here, don. you know, donald trump spent the previous 48 hours prior to today talking about things like raising the age to which you can purchase a rifle from 18 to 21. bump stocks, and other modifications that turn weapons into automatic weapons. things the nra doesn t always agree with and saying we need to make compromises. there are places everyone wants to make a deal. what s hard is when he goes and
african-americans, why don t you see how great i am for you. what do you got to lose and what i ve done already, it don t connect at all. what obama first took office african-american unemployment was 16%. when trump took office the black unemployment rate was 7.8%. right. the lowest it had been in nearly ten years. under trump is dropped a full percentage point to 6.8%. that s the lowest since they began regularly breaking it out by race since 1972. but it s been on the downward track. and it s fwies as high as white. he also took a swipe at mccane, who is suffering from cancer. and trump promised his his daughter megan mccane that he wouldn t do that anymore. so what gives here? chris, what s going on.
i m not apac blaming. but if he takes credit he deserves the blame. it s his one talking point where he reaches out and says you african-americans, why don t you see how great i am for you. what do you got to lose and what i ve done already, it don t connect at all. when obama first took office african-american unemployment was 16%. when trump took office the black unemployment rate was 7.8%. right. the lowest it had been in nearly ten years. under trump is dropped a full percentage point to 6.8%. that s the lowest since they began regularly breaking it out by race since 1972. but it s been on the downward track. and it s twice as high as white. he also took a swipe at john mccain, who is suffering from cancer. and trump promised his his daughter, meghan mccain, he wouldn t do this anymore. so what gives here? chris, what s going on. i mean, remember back, don, when i thought this was the
liza and saliza. let s see if i can get this right. and you guys are not the same people. we re in different cities. yes. the president went, chris, the president went off script and spoke for 80 minutes this afternoon at cpac. listen to the highlights. this is about guns. they ll take away your second amendment which we will never allow to happen. they ll take away your second amendment. remember that. they will take away thank you. they will take away those massive tax cuts, and they will take away your second amendment. by the way, if you only had a choice of one, what would you rather have, the second amendment or the tax cuts? second amendment? tax cuts. second amendment? [ applause ] i m going to leave it at the
leaking has been a big problem in washington for years, failing new york times and others must apologize. so, the president not backing down from those accusations as he prepares to move forward with stephen fineburg, the question is is that the right person for the job and how will he be received as he digs into what the president says are leaks. i want to dig into what it means. i have a great panel. washington post political reporter, chris liza and secretary defense for russia. we are going to our correspondent in europe in a moment. steve, co-founder, what he does is distressed assets. he looks for broken companies, cuts them up and puts them together somewhat. he s not a builder.