Ombudsmen at laguna honda. Any role that we could play in a corrective action plan or protecting and advocating for Resident Safety i think would be strongly welcomed by the Ombudsman Program. Can i ask you a question. You mentioned that the Ombudsman Program would like to expand its support to residents or patients at laguna honda. Is there a specific proposal around that . As you may know, the Ombudsman Program is really staffed by volunteers. For that reason and because of limited funds, i would guess there would be a lot of constraints around significantly expanding the role of the ombudsman presence at laguna honda. That said, we are actually undertaking that. So we are right now forming more of a Group Presence there so that the ombudsmen there are talking to each other more and trying to bring together what we are experiencing the problems with communication, especially the reticence of residents to speak out when they have a concern or a complaint because theyre very dependant,
Clerk there is a motion to approve the legacy business registry registrations and resolutions as described in the meeting agenda. [ roll call ] vote. Clerk motion passes 60 with one absence. Thank you. Congratulations. [ applause ]. Clerk if the legacy businesses would like to join the commissioners for a photo on the floor, that would be great. Clerk item 4 board of supervisors file no. 190756. Police code. Cannabis retailers at permitted cannabis events. Ordinance amending the police code to require that cannabis retailers at permitted events hold cannabis business permits issued by the city that applicants for cannabis event permits identify the retailers that will be selling cannabis goods at such event sand affirm that said retailers hold cityissued cannabis business permits, and that recipients of cannabis event permits take steps to reasonably ensure that only said retailers will sell cannabis goods at such events; to provide that a material false statement made in connection wi
Thank you for that. Partnership was organizations such as the Golden State Warriors makes stories like marrigherspossible. They are a fantastic organization. We do receive some Financial Support. It is great anal allows us to do what we do and expand our programs. The Financial Support is great. Activities get me excited. I want to share the things we have done with the warriors in the 20 plus year history. We have attended basketball games. We have had dance clinics on site. We renovated two courts and classrooms. For the old School Warriors fans we have been visits to the camps. One of my favorite is clint. 10 years ago he took us to seaworld in san diego. It is fantastic. This is a warriors game a couple years ago. You can see the smiling faces, the number ones because we believe. See what i did this. We believe the warriors despite personnel changes will make it back on top and open up the chase center. Give it up for the warriors. Basketball clinics with the warriors on site at mi
Appeal asks for massive treeplanting in this era of climate emergency, and trying to figure out how to sequester carbon. Finally, the ficus order fails to make up for the loss of canopy at Washington Squares in terms of tree species, size and proposed planting schedule. I would like to ask Telegraph Hill dwellers and all largescale removals going forward, because they didnt this time around. Yet, we are the largest, oldest, best known Neighborhood Organization in north beach. If the city wants to build a relationship of trust, and transparency, especially after what happened at the playground on the loss of our little fore forest, it makes sense to work with the neighborhood. Now, we have heard all of us are the replacements of choice for the ficus along the 600 block of columbus. We were not consulted as to the species, even though all of dusn that magnolias, i hardy evergreen street tree, which sequester ten times more carbon, and they soak up four times more stormwater. We would lik
Any opposed. Okay. The minutes will be approved. Item 12. Review and approval of the minutes of the special joint meeting of the planning and Building Inspection Commission of june 20, 2019. Move to approve. Second. There is a motion and second . Any Public Comment on the minutes. Seeing none are all commissioners in favor . Any opposed . Thank you. Our next item is 13. Adjournment is there a motion to adjourn . Move. Second. You are now adjourned at 110 4 00 a. M. Thank you. 1 10 47 a. M. A way of life in San Francisco. When the next major quake hits, the city hopes a new law requiring seismic upgrades to five story buildings will help keep more residents safe and sound. Tell me a little about the soft Story Program. What is it . Its a program the mayor signed into law about a year and a half ago and the whole idea behind it was to help homeowners strengthen buildings so that they would not collapse. Did you the soft Story Program apply to all buildings or building that were built in