Steps away from a night club celebrating his brothers birthday. Devion and his brother were leaving a club at 2 30 saturday. Men got involved in a fight, and devion stepped in to stop t fight. Police arrested canterbury just outside of the building and charged him with murder. You took someone that we loved. That we that was a good person in this world. Reporter and a second man cordell shields was apparently charged for the same incident. The woman of the victim. Left to die on the side of the street. Yes i know that was my lady. Metro detectives say 28yearold juanita wade was shot in the head by her ex boyfriend. According to the arrest report, she was involved in an extramarital affair with javon hudson. After an argument at a local strip club that night she was left to die in the street. To take her from him and him from her i hope you rot in hell, i do. I hope you rolt in hell. During his interview with police they say hudson declined to take a lie detector test. To attract and re
Patricia Ann Clyburn went to be with the Lord at the Johnson City Medical Center on Friday morning, June 24, 2022. Affectionately known as Trish, she was 74 years old