Miss Botswana, Lesego Chombo, has been prominently positioned as number nine on popular beauty pageant vlogger, Alvin Sebertero's 6th leaderboard for Miss World 2023.
As the Miss World competition gets closer, reigning Miss Botswana queen, Lesego Chombo is said to be putting up the final touches of her preparations, which include readying her wardrobe.
The game of chess can be used as an incredible tool for empowerment and opportunity globally. Unfortunately, due to a lack of chess sets, the communities that could benefit the most from chess do not have access to the game. That is why the organisation Gift of Chess celebrated International Chess Day, sharing their commitment to distribute 1,000,000 chess sets globally by 2030. Susan Namangale, the global head of the organisation, tells us about herself and about the plan.
Dr James Mchenga is Malawi’s sole surgeon specialised in repairing jaw and face conditions. The medical doctor has a blow-by-blow presentation that makes him cry for his clients. The presentation outlines the gaps in detection, care and treatment of oral and facial cases in the country. “The needs of the clients queuing for surgery to