their appeal democrats in rural areas, gop in skities. erick canter argued last week that the gop s very survival is contingent upon winning back college educated voters. constitutional amendments could change to a direct system, not by the electoral college. but both are unlikely in this climate. if called for by 2 slee/3 of th states. interstate compact, not their state s victor and finally rapged choice vote are additional out of the box remedied.
mark on the home state. does she have a shot? our latest nbc maris poll shows her two points behind miami mare your fill levine, but there is 40%-plus people undecided. so the sam pain is hoping to use the supreme court nomination as a galvanizing candidate who can form a coalition of people around the right to choice vote. and maxine waters tweet ed a 3:00 a.m. this morning, and the president tweeted. crazy maxine waters, of the democratic party, and referring to herself as a wounded animal is going to make people flee the