“It was an absolutely constructive business conversation, a normal desire to work with our country,” said the ambassador. “We are talking about investment, cooperation, setting up of large enterprises in Belarus, including in the Great Stone Industrial Park,” he added.
Yuri Senko and Li Zhonghan discussed cooperation results achieved in 2022, including the promotion of the project concerning Belarus' national pavilions on China's digital platforms, as well as plans for cooperation in 2023.
Belarus has already become a anchor point of the Belt and Road Initiative. More than 65% of all railway container routes from China to Europe pass through Belarus, including China's largest route Chongqing-Europe.
Belarusians trust the Chinese vaccine against COVID-19, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Belarus Xie Xiaoyong said at a ceremony to hand over another batch of COVID vaccine to Belarus