the post-graduate teaching department of ancient indian history culture & archaeology, rashtrasant tukadoji maharaj nagpur university (rtmnu), has discovered a prehistoric rock art site in wainganga basin of bhandara district recently. this is the second discovery of painted rock art boulders, including a couple of ancient rock shelters, from the upper palaeolithic period (40,000 years before the common era) to the historical period (4-5 century common era) in vidarbha.
Almost all important leaders of the Congress were interned immediately after the ?Quit India? resolution was passed by the AICC on August 8, 1942 in Bombay. The nation was leaderless on 9th of August
Mumbai : After the Congress "high command" conveyed to Balasaheb Thorat Congress Legislature Party (CLP) leader that Vijay Wadettiwar's name be proposed