Quorum call quorum call quorum call the presiding officer the senator from connecticut. Mr. Murphy i ask that we dispense with the quorum call. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Murphy thank you very much, mr. President. There are a lot of americans who dont understand what is happening right now. Republicans asked for control of the United States senate. They asked for control of the house of representatives, they asked for control of the white house. They got all three and they promised that by doing so they would be able to more effectively manage the affairs of state, and that is clearly not happening right now. There is a fundamental inability to govern as we are if now are now shut down for a second day. Many of the functionalities that people expect of the government will not be there monday morning despite the fact that we have made some progress. First, on friday night on this floor, and subsequent to that in private discussions today, in order to reach an agreement
Order to reach an agreement that republicans and democrats can support. And so i am here with several of my colleagues to make some fairly simple requests of the United States senate. It seems like if we are really adults, if were really going to operate like grownups, if were going to be true, responsible stewards of the federal government, then we could keep the government open for a very short period of time while we negotiate a way out of this. As many folks know, we on the democratic side as well as some of our republican colleagues dont hi its wise dont think its wise to do another monthlong continuing resolution. But why dont we just agree to keep the government open tomorrow . Why dont we just all get together and say that on monday people will be able to access the federal government and we cannd hopefully get to a agreemt on a budget that is permanent, that is long term that gives certainty to everybody who receives something or gives something to the federalal government by
The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by the guest chaplain, pastor Kenneth Codner, great baptist church, bellefonte, pennsylvania. The chaplain please bow with me in prayer. Heavenly father, i am humbled to be able to stand before you on behalf of this assembly here today. Lord, we are sinners, deserving none of your favor. But, father, i come to you in the merit of the lord and savior, jesus christ, who washed me from my sins in his shed blood. Father, we are aware more than any of the bitterness and bitter divisiveness throughout this room and across this nation of ours. I know that this grieves your heart, father. And i pray that we would repent of our sins, that you might forgive them and heal this land of ours. I pray that youll work in the hearts of the members of congress, that they be willing to put aside their political expedience and partisan politics and personal agendas, that they would strive to do what is best for our nation as a
Need the delegates to win delegates who are sympathetic to my cause. Then you need to ask the question of what things will ook like on the floor. So youll tally up what the votes are, whether someone has a majority, how farther from the majority, how many unbound delegates there are. Certainly in the rules there will be a number of questions that will be asked. It is now, as the chairman said, the majority of delegates in eight states have to sign a petition. You need to be sure that you can get enough delegates to set your to get your name and nomination. It may be that at the rule committees youll ask the question, do i want to change that number eight . It changed in 2012 for purely pragmatic reasons having to do with that convention. When the 2016 rules Committee Sets the number, is it advantageous to a candidate to have that number at one, at three, at five, at eight, at 18, at 28 . And each campaign will need to make the calculation for that. So once they know how many states it
The campaign trail yesterday. We will show you what they are saying about Foreign Policy, but we want to ask you about your candidate and his or her foreignpolicy agenda and whether you disagree or agree with it. Here is how you can let us know. Host for democrats. Republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488001 four republicans. And for independence, 2027488002. Amongst alicy came up variety of topics when donald trump set down with editors from the Washington Post yesterday. One of the topics that came up was about Donald Trumps view of the world and a larger discussion about nato. The headline this morning reads trump questions the u. S. Role in the world. During a daylong tour of washington talking about the need of the north atlantic treaty. And its pressing skepticism about a u. S. Military presence in asia. The interview was posted on the Washington Post website. Here is a little bit of donald trump talking about the role of nato and the role of the u. S. And the world. Trump