A high court in Pakistan last week ordered a provincial government to remove gender-based age distinction in its child marriage law, a move aimed at deterring forced conversions and forced marriages of girls, sources said.
ALIGARH : The Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University Malappuram Centre, Kerala, in collaboration with the Council on Legal Studies, Centre for Study and Research (CSR), New Delhi, organized an International Seminar on ‘Review and Reform: Explor
Child marriage in Bangladesh : In the background of the child marriage problem lies a stark paradox the primal, evolutionary instinct of parents to protect their offspring is at odds with decisions that compromise their children's futures.
A latest Bangladesh government survey of married women aged between 20 and 24 in more than 308,000 households nationwide has exposed a distressing reality. The Bangladesh Sample Vital Statistics-2023 (BSVS-2023), conducted by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), showed that at least 41.6 percent of these young women were married before reaching the age of 18.