The Delhi Police on Wednesday arrested a pilot and her husband, who also works for a private airline, for assaulting their 10-year-old domestic help, a top official said.The official added that on the basis of a complaint given by the accused .
A woman pilot and her husband were thrashed by a mob in Delhi s Dwarka for allegedly employing a 10-year-old girl as a domestic help and torturing her.
According to the police, the accused have been identified as Kaushik Bagchi, 36, and his wife Poornima, 33. While Poornima is a pilot, Kaushik
Under the leadership of SDM Kalkaji, Bachpan Bachao Andolan, founded by Nobel Peace Laureate, Kailash Satyarthi, along with police have rescued 22 child labourers in a joint raid. The raid at Pul Prahladpur had officials from Police department, NGO,