The Lokayukta police on Tuesday caught a Chief Municipal Officer (CMO) and an accountant allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 1 lakh from a contractor for clearing a construction work bill in the Damoh district of Madhya Pradesh.
Term of Islamabad s first local body assembly comes to an end
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Term of Islamabad s first local body assembly comes to an end
ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The first local body assembly of the federal capital Islamabad has completed its term. After the dissolution of the Federal Local Bodies, the Chief Municipal Officer has been appointed as the Administrator.
The Chief Municipal Officer, Syeda Shafaq Hashmi, has been given the appointment for six months or till the next local body elections. A formal notification has been issued in this regard.
The notification has been issued by the Ministry of Interior. Syeda Shafaq Hashmi belongs to 34th Common and Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS) Group.