Deputy Chief Hughes was terminated Friday afternoon, as verified by Travis Machalek, Town Administrator. When asked by the Trail-Gazette for additional information, Mcahalek responded that the Town would not comment further on this issue until after all hearings and appeals have been completed to respect due process. The Trail-Gazette also inquired if former Chief Hayes […]
Councilmember Vince Manfredi, at Tuesday s council meeting. Photo by Jay Taylor
Maricopa city council Tuesday night voted 6-1 to approve an ordinance prohibiting recreational marijuana dispensaries in the city unless they are part of a dual-license facility permitted to sell medical cannabis.
Passed with an emergency provision, the ordinance goes into effect immediately. Typically, a new ordinance would take effect 30 days after approval.
Councilmember Vincent Manfredi cast the lone dissenting vote, but not because he wants marijuana dispensaries in town. His opposition had more to do with his capitalist view outweighing his personal preferences, he said.
“I don’t want dispensaries in the city of Maricopa, clear and simple,” he said. “But I don’t feel we should be sitting in the way of dispensaries coming to the city of Maricopa. It’s a free market. I’m a free-market type of guy.”
Officer John Forlenza and the sheriff K9 Dax join ‘Fox and Friends.’
A police officer in Maricopa, Ariz., was given a 20-hour suspension after the death of his K9 partner Ike.
The 9-year-old Dutch Shepherd was left inside Officer Craig Curry s patrol vehicle last summer for an hour and 40 minutes during a meeting at the Maricopa Police headquarters.
Maricopa Police policy advises officers to check on their K9 partners at least once every 30 minutes, according to KNXV-TV in Phoenix.
In an internal investigation of the June 26, 2020 incident, Curry said he had left the car with the engine running, the air conditioning on the third fan speed and the coldest temperature setting, and the windows rolled up and doors locked.