Councilmember Vince Manfredi, at Tuesday's council meeting. Photo by Jay Taylor
Maricopa city council Tuesday night voted 6-1 to approve an ordinance prohibiting recreational marijuana dispensaries in the city unless they are part of a dual-license facility permitted to sell medical cannabis.
Passed with an emergency provision, the ordinance goes into effect immediately. Typically, a new ordinance would take effect 30 days after approval.
Councilmember Vincent Manfredi cast the lone dissenting vote, but not because he wants marijuana dispensaries in town. His opposition had more to do with his capitalist view outweighing his personal preferences, he said.
“I don’t want dispensaries in the city of Maricopa, clear and simple,” he said. “But I don’t feel we should be sitting in the way of dispensaries coming to the city of Maricopa. It’s a free market. I’m a free-market type of guy.”