them, the thank-yous, the good mornings, the good days, all going on, you know, just as normally as you would expect them to. it comes to an end at 1:19.24. air traffic control radios malaysian 370 contact ho chi mi minh, 1:20 decibel nine, goodnight. that s telling him to contact the control tower at 1:20.9. they reply goodnight malaysian 370, and that is the last we heard from that flight. it was bound from beijing. today the search, of course, taking place in the southern reaches of the indian ocean. really, literally, half a world away. and families and everyone here, of course, want to know answers. we ve had so few facts, poppy. this is one of them that we can hold in our hands and look at the transcript. i think the next step would be
patriotic vietnamese song and pro communist song and here is some of that, stand by. this requires them to watch the performance of a patriotic vietnamese song and they ll reveal the words of a celebrated quote. like one direction. . what is the point of that. and let s keep in mind, this is not a new song. this is a song back during the vietnam war, it was something to rally the vietnamese people against the united states and the idea that you would even listen to it, forget, and memorize it is you might as well memorize and the big picture of ho chi