The BJP will choose its Chief Ministers for three heartland states Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh with an eye on the 2024 Lok Sabha election, party sources have said, adding that new faces may be chosen in all three states.
India News: The BJP will hold a crucial Parliamentary meeting on Thursday as suspense continues over the selection of chief ministers for Madhya Pradesh, Rajastha
The BJP is holding a mega-meeting to brainstorm the issue of new Chief Ministers for the three heartland states they won this week. Besides Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Amit Shah, 12 MPs who resigned to contest the assembly polls are attending.
India News: The BJP will hold a crucial Parliamentary meeting on Thursday as suspense continues over the selection of chief ministers for Madhya Pradesh, Rajastha
India News: The BJP was ahead in 23 seats and the ruling Congress was leading in 18 seats in elections to the Chhattisgarh assembly, the Election Commission said.