The Delhi government stated that a dry day will be observed in the city on November 19 on the occasion of Chhath Puja. The decision also comes ahead of India Australia World Cup Match.
Dry Day on Chhath Puja News: In an effort to honor the cultural and religious sentiments associated with Chhath Puja, the Delhi government has declared Chhath, falling on Sunday, a dry day. The Excise department issued an official order on Thursday, mandating the closure of all liquor vends throughout the city as part of the observance of Surya Shashti, the day dedicated to Chhath Puja.
During Chhath Puja, women observe a 36-hour nirjala fast for the good health, success and longevity of their children. Know details about nahay khay, kharna, surya shashth and usha arghya.