Our dedication to providing free, quality journalism to the South Florida community remains unwavering, but the landscape that sustains this commitment is evolving.
By Cap Times staff
At the end of each year, Cap Times reporters and editors recommend the works of their colleagues they enjoyed the most. We were busy in 2020 and the staff s collaboration and support for each other helped us all get through the challenges and do great work.
Here is the list from 2020.
Natalie s collection of Q&As with various activists who emerged over the summer â many of whom had already been doing advocacy work for years beforehand â made me proud to work at the Cap Times. As a staff, we had long overdue conversations amid the historic protests of the summer about how to ensure we represented more diverse voices in our coverage. Natalie acted on those conversations, highlighting people the Madison community should know and hear from in a way that focused on their voices. It took so much work to conduct these long interviews and transcribe them, but the care she took in coming up with interview questions and allowing the activists to dive