Chef Curtiss Hemm says the delicate flavor of trout or salmon is the perfect match for a dish that combines spices and herbs, and an ideal dinner for winter. The spices - paprika, cumin, chili and turmeric - are brought to full flavor using an assertive.
Chef Curtiss Hemm joins NCPR each month to share a favorite seasonal recipe, and with winter holidays ahead, Chef Curtiss focuses on something sweet and simple this time.
Chef Curtiss owns the Carriage House Cooking School in Peru, NY, and is the.
Celeriac, aka celery root, is downright ugly, gnarled, and covered with tangled hairy roots. But hack away the exterior and Chef Curtiss Hemm says you ll find a simple but noble addition to your Thanksgiving meal.
Chef Curtiss Hemm has a simple recipe for a whole grain version of a favorite breakfast dish: pancakes, using rolled oats rather than flour. He says it’s a satisfying and nourishing breakfast to fuel you through your autumn morning.