Ten grams of 22-carat gold in India today cost Rs 56,300 as against Rs 56,750 yesterday and ten grams of 24-carat gold in India today cost Rs 61,420 as against Rs 61,910 yesterday, as per the latest data available on Goodreturns. aaa
Ten grams of 22-carat gold in India today cost Rs 56,550 as against Rs 56,950 yesterday and the same amount of 24-carat gold in India today costs Rs 61,690 as against Rs 62,130 yesterday. aaa
Gold rates have gone up across the country for a second straight day. Ten grams of 22-carat gold in India today cost Rs 56,700 as against Rs 56,600 yesterday and ten grams of 24-carat gold today cost Rs 61,850 as against Rs 61,750 yesterday, as per the latest data available on Goodreturns. aaa
Ten grams of 22-carat gold in India today cost Rs 56,500 as against Rs 57,200 yesterday and ten grams of 24-carat gold in India today cost Rs 61,640 as against Rs 62,400 yesterday. aaa
Delhi experienced heavy rainfall causing the temperature to drop to 26.1 degrees Celsius, which is 13 degrees lower than the season’s normal. Thunderstorms and strong gusts are expected for the next 2-3 days, as well as light to moderate intensity rain over nearby areas. The rain is predicted to continue for the next few days., Delhi News, Times Now