the man who stole an empty horizon plane and crashed it an hour later has been identified as richard russell, russell s family said they were stunned by his actions. and the students at the university of virginia held a rally ahead of tomorrow s anniversary of the charlotte ville alt-right rally, a demonstration is planned in washington, d.c., organized by the same people behind last year s event. now, back to breaking hate. picciolini must die. lover, picciolini should be executed. kill yourself. it is the right choice. the white power movement i
who is really heavily involved in the movement. and he was actually at the rally here at charlottesville. it s a kid that wants to do good, but he doesn t know how, because he was never set up with the tools to do that. i would really love it if you guys met. would you be open to that? i think so. if he is willing to meet me, i would like to talk to him, maybe gain some insight. i really appreciate that. and i think what is possible is that we work hard to make sure no other mothers lose their sons or daughters. that s my goal, i don t want anybody else to have to be in this club. there shouldn t have to be mothers who lose their children because of hate. susan s willingness to meet with gabe is both generous and brave. now i have to convince him to
and because of that rally and it doesn t matter to me who s side they are on. innocent people should not die. this may come across the wrong way to certain people, i think if we were separated, we would not have these issues. just throwing everyone together and blending them together and saying, hey, get along. obviously that is not working. the people that want to be living together in harm any and unity and whatever should be allowed to do that. but the people who don t, is should be able to do their own thing as well. what would you do if given that choice? hm-mm. you know, i can t really say. that s something that i would have to really think on. if i had to make a split second decision on it, i would have to go with the separatists. gabe can t imagine a world where different races co-exist because he has never allowed himself to be a part of one. to help him escape his twisted world view.
were making the progress and then i m going to go to the rally that ended up being a tragic event? i still hadn t fully separated myself, i guess, from the ideology, there s a lot that i struggle with as far as a mind-set. i m still in the nationalist mind-set way of thinking. for most of his young life, gabe has had this identity as a neonazi skinhead. it s hard to leave what he left. sometimes, if things go bad, it s easier to go back. and the last thing that i want him to do is go back. again. ooh, baby, do you know what that s worth? i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh i m not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and!
you made a ton of progress. i have to be honest too, i m also concerned. since we started working together, gabe has cut ties with the hammer skins, but he marched in the largest white power rally in more than a decade just a few months ago. on august 11th and 12th, 2017. 500 white supremists descended. calling themselves unite the right, they claimed they were protesting the city s decision to remove a confederate monument. more than 1,000 counter protesters met them in the streets.